

Choristers Guild is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization that enables leaders to nuture the musical and spiritual growth of children, youth, and adults


Our mission of nurturing the musical and spiritual growth of children, youth, and adults is achieved by providing educational resources and training to ensure that ministry and music leaders have the resources and music they need to succeed in their work. Through Choristers Guild, these leaders have access to, and good dialogue with, a network of mutually sharing and supportive peers who have the same sense of calling. Resources include the annual Choristers Guild Institute, choir curriculum, preschool guides, workshops and webinars. In line with our mission, we also publish choral, handbell and instrumental music.

Our mission is achieved through:

Choristers Guild is the premier source for quality music and educational resources that nurture the artistic, creative, and spiritual nature of all people. In fostering the vitality and sustainability of cooperative and intergenerational music-making, we inspire and empower children, youth, and adults to experience its lifelong mental, physical, and emotional benefits.