CGB323 Basic Training for Bells: Skill Building for Ringers - 2-3 octaves



This collection introduces the essential skills needed for ringing handbells and handchimes, presenting rote exercises for the ringers to drill each new skill. Music throughout the book, arranged in both two and three octave versions, includes hymn arrangements, classical transcriptions and original pieces. The music provides all ringers the opportunity to put each newly learned technique into practice. Instructions are given for modifying the techniques for use with handchime choirs. A bibliography of music utilizing the various techniques is included. Creative and humorous illustrations throughout the book enhance its appeal to ringers of all ages.


Voicing: 2 and 3 octaves handbells


Author: Venita MacGorman and Erin MacGorman


Level: 1 & 2




Music Sample:

CGB323 Basic Training for Bells" Skill Building for Ringers Sample PDF