CGB969 Ring and Sing the Seasons


Reproducible hymns for unison voices and 3 octaves handbells or handchimes.

Ring and Sing the Seasons is a reproducible collection comprised of both seasonal and general use hymn arrangements. The arrangements feature very simple rhythms and chords for handbells or handchimes, and unison vocal parts. Also included is an original processional, composed of layered ostinato patterns, with alternate texts for General, Christmas, Palm Sunday and Easter use. In her preface, Karen Lakey Buckwalter writes, "Having served 38 years in full time music ministry, I realized some of the most joyful moments were convincing choirs of all ages that they could ring and sing simultaneously." One also has the option of having a soloist or vocal choir sing the hymn tune accompanied by the handbell or handchime choir. Separate vocal pages are included for the convenience of non-ringing singers.

Voicing:  3 octaves handbells or handchimes and unison voices

Composer:  W. Walker, Southern Harmony; 18th century French carol; Carl C. N. Balle; African American spiritual; European tune, adapt Michael Praetorius; Karen Lakey Buckwalter; Franklin L. Sheppard; Traditional Welsh;

Arranger:  Karen Lakey Buckwalter


Season:  Christmas; Palm Sunday; Easter; Lent; General

Levels:  1 and 1+

Contents:  The Bells of Christmas; Christians, We Have Met to Worship; God, Who Made the Earth and Heaven; He Is Born; I Want Jesus to Walk with Me; Processional; That Easter Day with Joy Was Bright; This Is My Father's World




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