CGC34 Once Upon a Night (Score)


This charming Christmas musical was originally written with a primary-age choir in mind, yet the attractive and memorable music "wears well" with older singers also. It can be presented by a choir of grades 1-3, grades 4-6, or grades 1-6. There are some solo parts for "adult leaders," but they can be sung by choir members if desired.

Performance Time: 22-25 minutes

Voicing: Unison with keyboard and some optional percussion and guitar

Composer: Vicki Hancock Wright

Text by: Bill F. Leach

Additional Resources:
CGC34 - Score
CGCD32 - Demo CD
CGK12 - Preview Kit



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Audio Preview:

01 Overture & Prologue 02 Down the Road to Bethlehem 03 No Place To Spend the Night 04 Mary's Going To Have a Baby 05 In the Stillness of the Night 06 Shepherds, Shepherds 07 Star Light, Star Bright 08 Hodie, It's Christmas Day 09 Once Upon A Night

Music Sample:

Score Preview

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