CGIN17 Hymns of Praise - Viola
Arrangements for Solo Instrument to Full Orchestra
Flexible for any number or combination of instruments with piano or orchestrated accompaniment CD
Hymns of Praise is designed to allow for maximum flexibility of use. The uses range from solo instrument with piano (or CD) to full orchestra. A listing of the various books in this series is shown below. Each book includes a Solo and an Ensemble part for each hymn.
Voicing: Viola
Arranger: Stan Pethel
Seasons: Advent; Christmas; Epiphany; Transfiguration; Christ's Gracious Life; Palm Sunday; Easter; Eastertide; Pentecost; Holy Trinity; Reformation; All Saints; Christ the King; Communion; Stewardship; Thanksgiving; General
Grade: II to IV (8th grade and above)
Crown Him with Many Crowns (Praise to the Living God; Christ, the Eternal Lord)
Go, Tell It on the Mountain
Joyful, Joyful, We Adore Thee (Christ Is Risen, Shout Hosanna!; Sing with All the Saints in Glory)
Lift Up Your Heads, O Mighty Gates (Christ Is Alive! Let Christians Sing!; High in the Heavens, Eternal God)
Lord, Whose Love Through Humble Service (As We Gather at Your Table; Jesus, at Your Holy Table; God, Whose Giving Knows No Ending)
Let All Things Now Living (Sent Forth by God's Blessing; The Fruit of the Spirit; The Master Hath Come)
Love Divine, All Loves Excelling (Come, Thou Long-Expected Jesus; God, Who Stretched the Spangled Heavens)
Morning Has Broken (Praise and Thanksgiving; Child in the Manger; Christ Beside Me)
Now the Green Blade Rises (Sing We Now of Christmas)
The Church's One Foundation (We All Are One in Mission; O Living Bread from Heaven)
Additional Resources:
CGIN17CD Hymns of Praise - Viola (with CD)
CGIN12 Trombone(s)/Bassoon(s)/BC Euphonium(s)
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