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CGA1215 Your Servant I Will Be

Perfect for graduation, dedication services, memorial services or any time of the year, this interpretation of Ephesians 3:7-11 by Mark Patterson reminds us that because of God's grace we can achieve ...

CGA1216 Mary, Mary

Michael Burkhardt's arrangement of Mary, Mary is a haunting and thoughtful adaptation of Avery and Marsh's original song. The text explores the different names of Jesus - Lord, Shepherd, Savior and Ki...

CGA1223 Child of God

Composer Layton De Vries died at the age of 24 as the result of injuries received in an automobile accident. Layton wrote Child of God during the last few years of his life. Everything about this piec...

CGA1225 Come, Thou Long Expected Jesus

Using his gift for modernizing timeless hymns, Mark Miller utilizes gorgeous contemporary harmonies and a new and interesting melodic line to bring this classic hymn to a new life. Youth and adult cho...

CGA1228 All Things Work Together for Good

Lynn Shaw Bailey's setting of Romans 8:28 teaches us that "in all things God works for the good of those who love him, and have been called according to his purpose." Written especially for elementary...

CGA1229 I Saw Three Ships

Suitable for both church and school choirs, Craig Curry's setting of the traditional English carol is absolutely exquisite and extremely well crafted. Curry uses dramatic dynamic changes, stunning pia...

CGA1232 Joy to the World (Choral Score)

This exciting arrangement may stand alone as a piece for handbells only, or it may be enhanced with optional organ, brass, timpani, choir and/or congregation. A fanfare introduction leads into a joyou...

CGA1237 Sing Out Hosanna!

Sing Out Hosanna! is a lively, rhythmic piece based on an Israeli canon and is included in the "We Sing the World Round" choral series. Syncopated rhythms throughout the piece seem to propel the sound...

CGA1256 A Mass for Treble Voices - Sanctus and Benedictus

Allen Pote has written an absolutely gorgeous setting of the traditional Mass to be used with choirs of treble voices, whether they be children or women. The texts and melodies used are sophisticated ...

CGA1257 A Mass for Treble Voices - Lamb of God

Allen Pote has written an absolutely gorgeous setting of the traditional Mass to be used with choirs of treble voices, whether they be children or women. The texts and melodies used are sophisticated ...

CGA1264 Come, Ye Thankful People, Come (TTBB)

Premiered at the 2011 ACDA conference in Chicago by the ACDA Men's Honor Choir, Jason McCoy's breathtaking composition Come, Ye Thankful People, Come was described by many as the highlight of their co...

CGA1266 Hush, My Dear in the Manger

This piece by Mark Burrows thoughtfully pairs the popular "Away in a Manger" with the lesser-known A Cradle Hymn on the HYFRYDOL tune. The piece may be sung in unison, or a second part, which includes...

CGA1267 I Wonder as I Wander

This haunting carol has been beautifully set by B. Wayne Bisbee in a style that is appropriate for both children's and women's choirs. While the piece may be sung with piano only, the interweaving of ...

CGA1268 God, You Enfold Me

Hal Hopson has masterfully combined a haunting Caccini melody with an extraordinary Celtic text in God, You Enfold Me. This piece is suitable for young singers as well as youth and adults, due to the ...

CGA1275 Oh Come, Little Children

The classic carol text has been set to a beautiful new tune and piano accompaniment in Charles McCartha's Oh Come, Little Children. The piece includes the traditional text, along with a memorable, ori...

CGA1283 Alleluia! Rejoice! The Lord Shall Come

This exquisite arrangement by Patrick Liebergen is destined to be a timeless addition to your choir's Advent repertoire. Using two familiar carol tunes with new and interesting Advent text, this piece...

CGA1289 Gifts of the Spirit

Commissioned for the 25th anniversary of the music director at First Parish Church UCC in Brunswick, Maine, Gifts of the Spirit is a dynamic, celebratory piece written beautifully for combined choirs....

CGA1293 Nearer, Still Nearer

"Nearer, still nearer, close to my heart.shelter me safe in that haven of rest." These meditatively thankful words are beautifully set by the composer with an accompaniment that reflects the restful, ...

CGA1295 Psalm 145

This new composition is very classical in style. The text has been set to a melody nicely crafted by the composer, using an arpeggio that allows children to approach higher notes with ease. The B sect...

CGA1296 The 23rd Psalm

Cheerful and dance-like, this setting of one of the most beloved psalms by Jim Taylor will be a hit with your children's choir. The composer has created a melody which includes many musical teaching o...

CGA1299 Three Unison Anthems from Master Composers

Hal Hopson has taken three beautiful melodies by master composers and set them with glorious texts, resulting in three anthems filled with spiritual and musical teaching opportunities for your choir. ...

CGBB1 Teaching Kids Authentic Worship: How to Keep Them Close to God for Life

Most children know all there is to know about their favorite sports star or T.V. character. Wouldn't it be great if they were just as excited about knowing God? They will be, says Kathleen Chapman, wh...

CGBK59 Stepping Stones Older Elementary Level Book

Stepping Stones: An Ecumenical Children's Choir Curriculum is designed to integrate sequential musical education into weekly choir rehearsals. Anthems are suggested for older level, but the curriculum...

CGBK61 Stepping Stones Primary Age, Year 3 Book

Stepping Stones: An Ecumenical Children's Choir Curriculum is designed to integrate sequential musical education into weekly choir rehearsals. Anthems are suggested for older level, but the curriculum...

CGBKMS15 Four Easy Handbell Processionals

Four varied processionals for three octaves of handbells, including a processional on Carol of the Bells/Coventry Carol, Processional in F, Processional in C, and a setting of the hymn Rejoice, the Lo...

CGBKMS8 Three Hymn Improvisations for Organ

Three charming vignettes stand alone as service music, may also be played as a suite or used individually to introduce their respective hymns. Voicing: Organ Arranger: Michael Burkhardt Contents: "...

CGGIA12 One in Love and Peace

One in Love and Peace is a comprehensive and practical collection of the most frequently requested wedding instrumentals, including such classics as “Canon in D” by Pachelbel, “Bridal Chorus” by Wagne...

CGGIA13 Season by Season: Music for Times and Seasons: Book and CD Rom

Edited by John Barnard and David Iliff, Season by Season is a reproducible resource offering accessible and practical material for seasons of the church year, festivals and other occasions (apart from...

CGGIA3 The Composer's Craft

CGGIA5 Handbell Artistry from the Inside Out

CGGIA6 The Conductor's Gesture

CGBKMS3 Innocent Sounds Book 1

Marie Stultz's Innocent Sounds Book has been well received by the choral community and by voice teachers around the country for helping those working with beginning singers. This book is designed to b...

CGBKMS4 Innocent Sounds Book 2: The Singer's Journey Continues

Marie Stultz's Innocent Sounds Book 2 has been well received by the choral community and by voice teachers around the country for helping those working with beginning singers. This book is designed to...

CGBKMS17 Lessons Learned: Practical Insights into Developing an Effective Adult or Studen

Drawing from his forty years of experience directing youth choirs, Randy Edwards shares important lessons learned about radically impacting the lives of singers. Passion, time, organization, and compa...

CGBKMS18 Rivals or a Team? Clergy-Musician Relationships in the Twenty-First Century

Collaboration between clergy and musicians is vital to the ministry of the Christian church. This book explores the importance of teamwork, identifying ways in which musicians and clergy can exercise ...

CGBKMS21 The Wilbur Held Organ Collection: A Centenary Edition

Gathered together in this collection are eighteen extant works in honor of eminent composer Wilbur Held's 100th birthday- favorites of the composer and our editors- that span both the church year and ...

CGGIA20 Gregorian Preludes for the Liturgical Year

KENNETH LOWENBERG CGGIA20 $25.00 BOOK Kenneth Lowenberg offers ten preludes based on well-known Gregorian chants for the liturgical seasons of Advent, Christmas, Lent, Palm Sunday, Good Friday, Easte...

CGGIA21 Hymn Intonations

CARLA GIOMO CGGIA21 $17.00 BOOK These 12 simple hymn intonations for organ can be used throughout the liturgical year. Whether you are looking for an instrumental piece for Advent, Christmas, Lent, E...

CGGIA22 Three Festival Hymn Settings for Organ, Brass, and Congregation

JAMES BIERY CGGIA22 $38.00 BOOK This edition includes three pieces to accompany congregational singing: “The Church’s One Foundation” (aurelia), “Be Thou My Vision” (slane), and “Love Divine, All Lo...

CGGIA23 Seasons of Grace Volume 5

PAUL TATE CGGIA23 $20.95 BOOK Seasons of Grace, Volume 5 features fourteen more intermediate level arrangements for the liturgical pianist. As with previous volumes of the series, Tate delights us wi...

CGBKMSM178 Festive Hymn Settings Advent Christmas Epip

CGBKMSM345 8 Miniature Lent Easter Pent

CGBKMSM150 Love Unknown

CGBKMSM150P Love Unknown: Preview Pack

CGA1270 Psalm 100

This outstanding piece by Kenney Potter is the second installment in the "Growing Musicians Leading Worship" choral series. Psalm 100 is not only a carefully crafted, exhilarating piece of music, but ...

CGA1286 Puer Natus Est

Andrea Ramsey's arrangement of Puer Natus Est will be a unique addition to your Christmas repertoire. Based on 16th century plainchant, it creates a chance for your choir to sing beautifully in unison...

CGA1243 Keep a Joyful Song Ringing in Your Heart

Hal Hopson has created this new edition of Keep a Joyful Song Ringing in Your Heart, a piece published many years ago by Choristers Guild. Baroque in style, this piece teaches rhythmic accuracy and pa...

CGA1200 The Wise and Foolish Builders

This anthem is playfully written in a lilting, calypso style and is based on the parable of the wise and foolish builders found in Matthew 7:24-27. Voicing: Unison/2 part with piano, optional claves...

CGA1213 Lift Thine Eyes

Mendelssohn's Lift Thine Eyes from his oratorio Elijah has been skillfully arranged for three-part treble voices by Becki Slagle Mayo. This piece is ideal for advanced treble choirs who wish to sing a...

CGA1217 Sparkling Stars, Shining in the Night

This delightfully charming piece plays off of the familiar children's song Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Star and is a fantastic opportunity for young children to be introduced to new musical material base...

CGA1221 Come to Me

Margaret Tucker's setting of the story of Jesus welcoming the little children was the winner of the 2009 "Kirk's Fund" Children's Choir Anthem Competition in Scarsdale, New York. Gentle, sweet and inc...

CGA1240 Look All Around Us, Then Join the Glad Song

Hal Hopson has crafted a lovely piece which helps children to sing and celebrate the glory of God's creation. By using interesting intervals throughout the melody, Hopson creates the opportunity for c...

CGA1242 Christ Is All

Christ Is All is a tremendously fun piece set by Dave and Jean Perry. Set in a slightly lower range, this piece allows singers to enjoy the syncopation, clapping and melody partnering. The piano accom...

CGA1246 Every Step of the Way

The story of Moses leading his people out of Egypt is masterfully told through Nancy Gifford's clever poetry and musical composition. The piece switches between non-legato and legato singing, and an o...

CGBK55 Stepping Stones Early Childhood Level, Year 1 Book

Stepping Stones: An Ecumenical Children's Choir Curriculum is designed to integrate sequential musical education into weekly choir rehearsals. Anthems are suggested for older level, but the curriculum...

CGA1255 A Mass for Treble Voices - We Believe in God

Allen Pote has written an absolutely gorgeous setting of the traditional Mass to be used with choirs of treble voices, whether they be children or women. The texts and melodies used are sophisticated ...

CGA1262 O Day of Peace - Choral Score

The hymn tune "Jerusalem" by Charles Hubert Hastings Parry serves as the tune for what is considered to be England's most popular patriotic song. The tune was further popularized by movies such as ""C...

CGA1276 While Shepherds Watched

The lesser-known English carol While Shepherds Watched has been delightfully arranged by Ken Berg. Challenging vocal parts and sophisticated text make this carol more suitable for more advanced childr...

CGA1277 Wrapped in Light, Wrapped in Love

Wrapped in Light, Wrapped in Love is a lovely new composition with stunning text by Randy Cox. The text reflects on the birth of the baby Jesus with simple phrases suitable for younger children, and t...

CGA1278 Jubilate Deo!

Jubilate Deo! is an exhilarating piece by Dan Edwards using Orff instruments and Latin percussion. The piece is masterfully written for SAT voices, making it a wonderful addition to your middle school...

CGA1282 Praise the Lord with a Song

Praise the Lord with a Song, based on verses from Psalm 149 and 150, is expertly written for choirs with cambiata voices, and includes a soaring descant line fitting for strong singers. The piece remi...

CGA1287 My Lord, What a Morning

Greg Gilpin has created a spiritual arrangement that will enhance the choral library of both school and church choirs. Gilpin's setting of My Lord, What a Morning will be a quick learn for your youth ...

CGA1298 Always in Your Presence

Extremely poetic and thoughtful, this is a text that should be in the heart of every child and young adult. Slightly more contemporary in style, this piece will immediately appeal to your singers. The...

CGA1291 We See the Mountains Lifted High Before Us

Every mixed choir can use a masterfully-arranged two-part piece, and Hal Hopson delivers with this gorgeous arrangement of the LONDONDERRY AIR tune with the text of Psalm 121. The composer has written...

CGA1245 Search Me, O God

Search "Me, O God" is the first piece to be included in the Heather Potter choral series: Growing Musicians Leading Worship. This stunning arrangement by Ken Berg allows directors to teach vowel unifi...

CGA1273 Advent Blessing

Randy Cox's exceptional Advent text has been brilliantly set by a new Choristers Guild composer, Kris Crunk. The text is a blessing to the believers of yesterday and today who await the coming Christ ...

CGA1208 Song for the Generations

Song for the Generations is a celebrative expression of the scriptural refrain "God's love endures forever". This anthem assists choirs in realizing their opportunity to echo this song forward and inv...

CGA1103 Song for the Seasons

Appropriate for church or community children's choirs, this elegant anthem offers the flexibility for use in both sacred and non-sacred settings. The anthem's opening section revels in the beauty of n...

CGA1106 The Smallest Things

Gospel charm emanates from this glorious anthem that brings to life the poignant words of Jesus found in Matthew 6:25-34. Highlighting the images of grassy fields, flowers in springtime, and birds of ...

CGA1107 Rise Up, Shepherd

This joyous, lively anthem announces the birth of Christ through images of ringing bells and angels filling the heavens with song. Each of the three stanzas, from the pen of notable Fanny Crosby, fini...

CGA1109 The Snow Lay on the Ground

Glistening like freshly fallen snow, this setting of the beloved English carol beautifully radiates the warmth and tenderness of the carol's timeless text. Images of the holy family surrounded by ange...

CGA1114 Did I Hear You Say?

In this joyful Easter anthem for younger elementary voices, a minor key and an exhilarating tempo evokes the feeling of a Hebrew folk dance, while conversational lyrics and a predominantly stepwise me...

CGA1131 Worship Leaders Seasonal Songs (Unison/Two-part Score)

This seasonal anthem collection is the latest addition to the popular Worship Leaders series. Designed for use as introits or short anthems during Thanksgiving, Advent, Epiphany, and Palm Sunday, thes...

CGA1135 Bethlehem Night

Gently syncopated rhythms and a flowing, legato melody accentuate this fresh rendering of the Christmas story. Especially appealing to younger children, the anthem uses concrete images and easy to mem...

CGA1139 A Simple Song of Thanks

Gratitude paints the backdrop for this delightful anthem perfect for use during Thanksgiving or any time of year. A solid, supportive accompaniment undergirds the syncopated unison melody that middle ...

CGA1140 Two Psalms for Young Singers

Excellent for younger and middle elementary age choirs, this set of two Psalm anthems, based on Psalm 46:10-11 and Psalm 92:1-3, can be used any time of year. The two pieces, "Be Still and Know That I...

CGA1143 Lord, How Wondrous Is Your Song

In a spirit of prayer and thanksgiving, this anthem acknowledges God's wondrous gift of music and its unique ability to communicate messages of peace, hope, and love. A stirring piano accompaniment pr...

CGA1148 Joshua Fought the Battle of Jericho

Filled with cool, jazz harmonies and irresistible swing rhythms, this spirited arrangement of the well known African American spiritual is sure to become a favorite with any choir - especially older c...

CGA1149 A Miracle on the Sea

Everyone loves a good fish story, but suddenly catching a multitude of fish when nothing was biting is a miracle worth singing about! In this delightful anthem for younger children, the miraculous eve...

CGA1162 Light of Light

This anthem for Epiphany or anytime of year beautifully articulates a tender prayer asking God to give us "eyes to see, hearts to love and voices to praise". Short Latin phrases follow each verse expr...

CGA1172 The Heavens Declare the Glory of God

This setting of Psalm 19:1-2 is reminiscent of music from the classical period with its tuneful melody and homophonic texture. The anthem is a splendid choice for beginning the choir year as middle an...

CGA1173 I Sing the Mighty Power of God (Choral Score)

This joyful setting of FOREST GREEN will add a celebratory air to a worship service as an anthem or congregational hymn. Isaac Watts' words provide a tribute to God's creation as it surrounds us. This...

CGA1175 Forty Days and Forty Nights

Appropriate for both older children's choir or youth choirs, this unique anthem, set in a jazz style, reinforces valuable lessons taught during the Lenten season and other times of year. The "forty da...

CGA1176 Become God's Story

This poignant anthem reminds us that as believers we share the story of Christ's redemption through loving actions and words of grace. Ideal for youth or adult choirs, the anthem's ABA form and memora...

CGA1177 I Heard the Voice of Jesus Say

In this stirring anthem for Lent or any time of year, composer John Helgen provides a fresh, new setting of Horatius Bonar's classic hymn text, I Heard the Voice of Jesus Say. Highlighting words that ...

CGA1182 Little David, Play on Your Harp

This charming arrangement of the popular African American spiritual tells the story of David tending his sheep, slaying Goliath, and serving as king while remaining "God's faithful child and shepherd ...

CGA1183 Teach Us to Love

Based on the familiar text in I Corinthians 13:1-8, this anthem beautifully highlights the familiar text found in I Corinthians 13:1-8. This text eloquently recounts the qualities of love created in G...

CGA1189 Come, Messiah, Come

"And His name will be called Wonderful, Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace." This poignant Advent anthem, based on texts from Isaiah, reveals the deep spiritual longing of God'...

CGA1197 Gracious Spirit, Dwell With Me

This 19th century prayer text by Thomas T. Lynch, is beautifully set to the familiar 17th century French melody, 'Adoro Te Devote' in a spirit of meditation. Voicing: Unison/two part with piano and ...

CGA1199 Come, Celebrate God's Gift of Music

Syncopated rhythms and an upbeat tempo add energy to this piece. The inclusion of the doxology text provides a fresh opportunity for singers to put words of tradition to heart. Voicing: Unison with ...

CGRP30 Lo, How a Rose - Set of Instrumental Parts

Cathy Moklebust uses singing bell and LV to create a lush and moving arrangement of the 16th century carol, Lo, How a Rose.  The gentle and ethereal sound of the bells may be accompanied by optional s...

CGRP31 For Unto Us (Reproducible Instrumental Parts)

For Unto Us is a fantastically rhythmic piece written especially for choirs with cambiata voices, but will work wonderfully with any mixed-voice choir. Add hand drum, triangle, and tambourine, and dou...

CGRP32 Gloria in Excelsis (Reproducible Percussion Parts)

Reproducible Percussion Parts for CGA1365 Gloria in Excelsis. Voicing: Unison/two-part with piano and optional claves, maracas, and bongos Composer: Dan R. Edwards Season: Christmas, Epiphany Addi...

CGA1101 Tune My Heart

This joyful, upbeat anthem is a perfect selection for use any time of year - especially for the beginning of a choir year. The text makes a great devotion for choristers of all ages, and the gently mo...

CGA1102 We Thank You, God, for Animal Friends

This anthem of praise and thanksgiving invites all people to celebrate the gift of pets and animals. Ideal for use in animal blessing services or any service centered around God's creation, this charm...

CGA1104 Lord, We Are Your People

Lifted from Choristers Guild's popular musical, Elijah! God's Faithful Prophet (CGC49), this anthem of supplication expresses a genuine desire to remain obedient and faithful to God's leadership. The ...

CGA1105 Children, Let's Wait for the Baby

Written for youth choirs or any ensemble of mixed voices, this spirited anthem makes a wonderful addition to any worship service during the Advent season. The opening section, for women or optional so...

CGA1108 This Little Light of Mine (Unison/Two-part)

Get ready! Children's choirs everywhere will adore this incredible arrangement of the highly popular spiritual that calls all of us to let our lights shine, shine, shine! After a stirring, soulful beg...

CGA1110 Little Lamb, the Shepherd Loves You

Gentle and reassuring, this touching anthem teaches children that Christ the Shepherd promises to love and guide them through life's journey. Referencing a child as the Shepherd's lamb, the song remin...

CGA1111 Take My Life, and Let It Be

Frances Ridley Havergals prayerful text, ""Take My Life and Let It Be"", comes to life in this beautiful arrangement of the 19th century hymn. An excellent choice for older children's choir or any tre...

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