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Items Found: 5319
Based on Ezekiel 37, this lively arrangement of the well-known African American spiritual will captivate children's choirs of any age. A jazzy piano accompaniment sets the stage for this animated anth...
Filled with a multitude of performance options, this jubilant Palm Sunday anthem celebrates the triumphal entry of Jesus into Jerusalem. The piece may be used as a processional, if desired, and instru...
CGA1115 An Easter Song of Praise
Based on a delightful 16th century German folksong, this radiant Easter anthem with original, new text by Steven Taranto rejoices in new life that comes in spring as well as the message of Christ's re...
Triumphant and bold, this Palm Sunday anthem for mixed voices combines the 19th century hymn text Ride On! Ride On in Majesty! by Henry Hart Milman with invigorating new music by Taylor Davis. Recurri...
CGA1119 Little Children, Welcome
Designed for baptisms and child dedication services, this tender anthem welcomes children into the life of the church. Each of the anthem's four stanzas celebrates Christ's love for children and the c...
Unison with piano and optional flute (or recorder). This lovely and refreshing arrangement of Natalie Sleeth's popular hymn makes the perfect addition to any unison choir's repertoire. Repetition of m...
Ideal for use on Mothers Day, Fathers Day, or any service centered around family or caregivers, this anthem honors the special relationship shared between children and those who raise and care for the...
Reflecting on the wonders of God's creation, this setting of the Native American hymn, ""Many and Great, O God"", spotlights the spirit of dignity and sincerity found in the hymn's text written by Jos...
CGA1123 The Lord Bless You and Keep You
Based on the well-known blessing found in Numbers 6:24-26, this stirring anthem provides a lovely and memorable choral benediction for any choir of mixed voices. Choirs with changing male voice singer...
CGA1124 Infant Holy, Infant Lowly
This beautiful, graceful setting of the traditional Polish carol is ideally suited for young, changing voice choirs. Appropriate vocal ranges and accessible part writing allow developing mixed voice c...
CGA1125 Let Us Walk in the Light of the Lord
Written for choirs of younger and older children, this joyful anthem encourages everyone to "walk in the light of the Lord" and to share God's love with others. A sparkling piano accompaniment complim...
This gentle anthem, based on Psalm 72:18-19, offers a fitting ascription of praise to the One "who alone does wondrous things". The simple melody lies comfortably within a one-octave range while also ...
Filled with majesty and grandeur, this new, original setting of the ancient 5th century Latin text makes the ideal anthem for any festive occasion including choir festivals and end of the year concert...
CGA1128 Praise the Lord! Ye Heavens, Adore Him - Love Divine, All Loves Excelling
This anthem of joy and celebration provides two text options commonly sung to the popular hymn tune, HYFRYDOL: Praise the Lord! Ye Heavens, Adore Him and Love Divine, All Loves Excelling. A bright, fl...
Spanish charm characterizes this engaging anthem that expresses hope for global understanding and peace. The recurring phrase, Fe y esperanza, which translates faith and hope offers children's choirs ...
CGA1132 Worship Leaders for Mixed Voices: Seasonal Songs (SATB Score)
Designed for use as introits or short anthems during Thanksgiving, Advent, Epiphany, and Palm Sunday, these pieces are a snap to teach and to learn. The set of four anthems comes in two voicing option...
CGA1134 Sing We Now of Christmas
This unique arrangement of the traditional French carol, Sing We Now of Christmas, is flexible enough for use with children's choirs of all ages. Sung as a unison anthem, elementary choirs experience ...
Written with youth choirs in mind, this refreshing Advent anthem proclaims the promises of the season: hope, peace, and love. Flexible voicing accommodates choirs of all sizes especially smaller choir...
Exploding with vitality and energy, this arrangement of the popular African American spiritual is sure to be a favorite with choristers and congregations alike. Cool harmonies permeate the snappy pian...
CGA1141 Resounding Alleluias (Choral Score)
Stirring and energetic throughout, this medley intricately combines three hymns of praise with Alleluia refrains: the majestic LASST UNS ERFREUEN (All Creatures of Our God and King) and (Praise God fr...
Bright and triumphant, this setting of the well known hymn, Hosanna, Loud Hosanna, was commissioned for Helen Kemp and the Children's Choir festival celebrating her 90th birthday. The anthem wonderful...
This noble anthem is based on the St. Anthony Chorale tune, generally attributed to Franz Joseph Haydn. The unison vocal part may be voiced in a variety of ways using children's choir, adult choir, or...
CGA1147 God So Loved the World SATB
Now available in this new SATB voicing, this classic anthem has been part of Choristers Guild's catalog for over 20 years. Based on John 3:16, the anthem's rich, harmonic vocal lines beautifully under...
CGA1151 Celebrate! The Lord Is Risen!
Energy abounds in this dynamic Easter anthem written especially with youth choirs in mind. Flexible part writing provides convenient voicing options for choirs with limited or changing male voice sing...
CGA1153 O For a Thousand Tongues to Sing
Filled with energy, this festive setting of the beloved hymn makes an excellent addition to any festival or service of worship and praise. From the rousing fanfare-like opening to the final stanza for...
Honoring the traditional role of mothers as well as the expanding boundaries of parenting through foster parents and other care givers, this anthem prayerfully seeks God's blessing for mothers everywh...
CGA1155 From All That Dwell Below the Skies
Isaac Watts' glorious hymn text, From All That Dwell Below the Skies, springs to life in this exuberant, new arrangement for children's choir or any ensemble of treble voices. Syncopated rhythms in th...
Especially suited for older children's choirs or any choir of treble voices, this setting of the familiar 19th century hymn text by Robert Grant abounds with strength and energy. A stately organ accom...
Filled with joy and celebration, this delightful Christmas anthem by Allen Pote was commissioned for Helen Kemp and the children's choir festival celebrating her 90th birthday. Set to a text by 19th-c...
Bright and full of expectation, this energetic anthem with optional percussion sets a joyous, hopeful tone for the Advent season. Sung in unison, the anthem works well for older children's choirs or c...
CGA1160 Seasonal Songs for Young Singers
Designed for use throughout the church year, this collection of seasonal songs includes seven anthems for use during Thanksgiving, Advent, Christmas, Epiphany, Lent, Palm Sunday and Easter. With limit...
CGA1163 Hark! The Angels Sing!
Rhythmic energy abounds in this dynamic arrangement of the popular carol, "Hark! The Herald Angels Sing". Fresh harmonies and exciting rhythmic motifs illuminate the festive text by Charles Wesley mak...
Based on Isaiah 40, this Advent anthem for youth or adult choirs joyfully anticipates the birth of Jesus Christ. Syncopated rhythms and an upbeat tempo heighten the sense of excitement as the text rem...
Imbued with emotion and faith, this setting of the beloved African American spiritual provides a powerful, moving addition to any worship experience. Designed with youth choirs in mind, each voice par...
Great for middle school and high school age youth choirs, this anthem based on Philippians 4:8-9 teaches the value of focusing on positive thoughts while resting in the promise of God's abiding presen...
What better witness than to hear children singing because they are happy and free in the eyes of God? That amazing truth comes alive in this charming anthem celebrating the joy and wonderment of God's...
CGA1170 Joyful, Joyful, We Adore Thee
Respectful of the timeless purity infused in Beethoven's melody HYMN TO JOY, this creative setting incorporates fresh harmonies and engaging rhythmic motifs that underscore the enthusiasm of worship c...
CGA1171 Tunaomba Mungu Atawale We Pray God to Reign
Exploding with rhythmic energy, this setting of a traditional African tune expresses praise to the Trinitarian God calling God the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit to reign fully in our lives and world. A...
CGA1174 When Morning Gilds the Skies
This glorious arrangement of the beloved hymn, is an ideal anthem for any choir of unison voices and congregation. Trilled notes, played by flute or organ, open the piece symbolizing a bird's morning ...
CGA1178 I Will Sing Unto the Lord
Based on texts from Psalm 30 and I Corinthians 15, this majestic anthem offers praise and thanksgiving for God's care and promise of salvation. Accessible vocal parts give any choir of mixed voices a ...
Unison choirs of all ages will love this sparkling anthem for Palm Sunday that works well as an introit or call to worship. Along with comfortable singing ranges, the anthem's rondo form allows singer...
This charming Easter anthem incorporates melodic and textual repetition along with an age-appropriate singing range to create an optimal piece for younger elementary choirs. Young singers will enjoy t...
Referencing the parable of the unjust steward in Luke 16:1-13, this energetic anthem calls everyone to use their gifts for God's service and to remember that God's gift of love belongs to all people. ...
CGA1185 Those Who Love and Care for Me
Filled with warmth and sensitivity, this anthem for middle and older elementary age choirs expresses a reassuring message that "those who love and care for me" are family - even when they don't "share...
CGA1186 Alleluia Christ the Lord is Risen
Bold and exciting, this dynamic Easter anthem brings to life the marvelous 16th century hymn text 'Christ the Lord Is Risen Again', written by Michael Weisse, later translated by Catherine Winkworth. ...
Beautifully adapted from the traditional text by Christina Rossetti, this anthem incorporates both Christmas and Epiphany images that ask, "What shall I give to the King?" Voicing: Unison/two part wit...
Based on Psalms 81 and 92, this anthem, combining children's, youth, and adult choirs, highlights the Psalmist's message to "sing to the Lord a new song." Composer: Allen Pote Text Author: Allen Pote,...
This joyful setting of Fred Pratt Green's hymn text, 'God is Here!', is an ideal selection for church dedication services and Holy Communion, and teaches children about worship and liturgy. Voicing:...
Based on Psalm 118, verse 24, this joyful, upbeat anthem is ideal for Easter or Palm Sunday services. Voicing: Unison/two part with piano and optional flute Composer: Craig Curry Text Author: Craig ...
CGA1196 Every Time I Feel the Spirit
This dynamic arrangement of the popular spiritual uses a rhythmic piano accompaniment, tight vocal harmonies, and a melodic interchange between the women's and men's voices in the verses. Voicing: S...
CGA1198 For the Colors of the Rainbow
This anthem offers praise and thanksgiving for God's gifts of creation, friendship, music, and the love of Jesus Christ, and can be used in any general service or service with thanksgiving themes. V...
Well suited for both youth choirs and adult choirs, this celebratory anthem proclaims Easter's message that Christ is risen and lives again! The two-part voicing and careful voice leading allow choirs...
CGRP35 Prepare the Royal Highway - Reproducible Instrumental Parts
This lilting, dancing arrangement of the well-known Swedish folk tune does double duty for Advent as well as Palm Sunday. Each section is different, and features LV, malleting, shaking, ring touch, an...
CGRP36 Hark! the Herald Angels Sing - Reproducible Instrumental Parts
This very flexible arrangement of the beloved carol may be played by bells alone, or together with any or all of the optional forces. A handbell peal accompanied by bell tones in the trumpets is featu...
CGRP37 Patapan - Reproducible Instrumental Parts
Malleting, martellato, plucking, shaking, LV, and handchimes all play a part in this rhythmically dancing arrangement. The fiery flute and percussion parts add energy and color, making this piece a hi...
CGRP34 He Is Born (Reproducible Instrumental Parts)
Reproducible Instrumental Parts for CGA1422 He Is Born, by Trevor Manor. A blockbuster piece for your Christmas worship or concert! Trevor Manor's latest piece for treble voices is an exciting arrang...
CGRP33 We Are Called (Reproducible Brass Parts)
Reproducible Brass Quartet Parts for CGA1088 and CGA1408 We Are Called by Becki Slagle Mayo. This festive anthem, which incorporates children's, youth, and adult choirs, calls the church to fulfill i...
CGRP40 Angels We Have Heard on High (Reproducible Instrumental Parts)
Reproducible Instrumental Parts for CGA1460 Angels We Have Heard on High, arr. Trevor Manor. Trevor Manor's outstanding treble arrangement of this beloved Christmas carol is sure to delight your chor...
CGRP43 Antiphonal Processional - Reproducible Instrumental Parts
Reproducible Instrumental Parts for CGA1485 Antiphonal Processional by Hal H. Hopson. Prolific composer Hal H. Hopson has written a grand processional with flexible options for use throughout the chu...
CGRP48 Sing We Now of Christmas Reproducible Instrumental Parts
Reproducible Instrumental Parts for CGA1501 Sing We Now of Christmas, arr. Trevor Manor. Another blockbuster Christmas arrangement from bestselling composer Trevor Manor! This iconic carol is beautif...
CGRP46 When Morning Gilds the Skies Reproducible Instrumental Parts
Reproducible Instrumental Parts for CGA1519 When Morning Gilds the Skies, arr. Mark Patterson. This grand, impressive hymn concertato has it all! Mark Patterson's arranges LAUDES DOMINI for SATB and ...
CGRP47 Come with a Grateful Heart Reproducible Instrumental Parts
Reproducible Instrumental Parts for CGA1507 Come with a Grateful Heart, by Lynn Shaw Bailey and Becki Slagle Mayo. New from Lynn Shaw Bailey and Becki Slagle Mayo is this fun, easy-to-learn anthem th...
CGA1133 Oh, Come, All Ye Faithful
Regal and majestic, this setting of the timeless carol is reminiscent of English boy choirs and cathedral congregations proclaiming together the joyous news of Christ's birth. Accompanied by an organ ...
Children of all ages will love this light-hearted anthem that spotlights one of the Old Testament's most popular stories, Noah and the Ark. Repetition of text and melody make the piece make an ideal c...
CGA1118 Bless the Lord, My Soul!
Based on Psalm 103:1, this exuberant anthem will add energy and vitality to any service of worship and praise. The snappy melody accompanied by piano and a group of lively percussion instruments explo...
This lovely anthem offers a variety of presentation options throughout the Advent season for both children's choirs and congregations. In addition to serving as a stand-alone anthem that's sung only o...
The well known hymn text, Immortal, Invisible practically jumps off the page in this exhilarating gospel setting written for mixed voices. Dynamic, new music and sharp, fresh harmonies combine with th...
CGA1142 Oh, Come, with Body and Mind
Commissioned for Helen Kemp and the Children's Choir festival celebrating her 90th birthday, this anthem pays tribute to Helen's signature philosophy for beautiful singing, "Body, mind, spirit, voice,...
Based on Luke 6:37 and Nehemiah 9:17, this anthem for Lent or any general time of year highlights the mercies of God's abiding love and unfailing forgiveness. In recalling the words of Jesus, the anth...
This celebratory anthem for older children's choirs offers a joyful expression for Easter morning or any Sunday of the Easter season. Buoyant vocal lines and a dancing instrumental accompaniment join ...
The New Testament gospels share numerous accounts of life-changing encounters between Jesus and those who followed him. In this sensitive, introspective anthem those same, life-changing experiences ta...
Well suited for choirs of younger and older elementary children, this tender lullaby welcomes Jesus Christ, God's special gift of love, into the world. Written in AABA form, the anthem's tranquil melo...
CGA1161 Today a Savior Is Born
Based on Luke 2:8-20, this gentle, lilting anthem in 6/8 meter recounts that first Christmas night when angels proclaimed the joyous news of Christ's birth. A simple, recurring refrain along with shor...
This beautiful prayer anthem offers both children's choir and congregation the opportunity to corporately express thanksgiving and praise for the riches of God's blessings. After an opening Scripture ...
Excitement abounds in this delightful Easter anthem for older children's choirs. Syncopated rhythms and a lively, upbeat tempo highlight the festive mood of the piece along with 4 optional handbells o...
Hymn-like in its design, this celebratory Christmas anthem provides an opportunity for congregations to join in singing. Voicing: Unison or two part with piano, optional organ, optional congregation...
CGA1193 I Would Have Been Surprised, Too
This unique Christmas anthem gives younger elementary singers a chance to express what they might have felt had they been in Bethlehem when Jesus was born. Voicing: Unison with piano Composer: Don...
CGA1194 Winds Through the Olive Trees
This unique Christmas anthem gives younger elementary singers a chance to express what they might have felt had they been in Bethlehem when Jesus was born. Voicing: SAB Composer: Timothy Shaw Tex...
The timeless parable of the Good Samaritan is uniquely depicted in this lively, spirited anthem asking singers and listeners to consider the poignant question, "Who is my neighbor?" Taken from the acc...
CGA1187 All Creatures of Our God and King
Suitable for choirs of any voicing, including combined choir occasions, this majestic arrangement is ideal for dedication services, Earth Day, or any general service. Voicing: Unison, two part, SAB,...
CGCD50 Radiance, featuring Concert Bells of Fort Worth
CGAM7 Sanctuary Praise and Worship
Veteran church music composer/arranger and congregational worship specialist Benjamin Harlan has crafted solid arrangements of 40 favorite praise and worship songs in Sanctuary Praise and Worship. Th...
Encourage singing in the classroom or at liturgy with children's music from Bernadette Farrell. Share the Light offers guitar and keyboard accompaniments as well as a two-disc set containing vocal and...
CGCD61 Come to the Manger (Accompaniment CD)
Accompaniment CD for CGC57 Come to the Manger by Lynn Shaw Bailey and Becki Slagle Mayo. ** Available by July 15, 2016 - Pre-order your copy today! ** Composer: Lynn Shaw Bailey, Becki Slagle Mayo...
CGDVD22 Mark Burrows Webinar 2016 In the Image Video on Demand
On-Demand Video Recording of Mark Burrows' webinar from Fall 2016: "In the Image" Please note that this is a recording of a live webinar event, and that video and audio quality reflect their origin ...
CGDVD23 Susan Eernisse Webinar 2016 What to Teach, When Video on Demand
On-Demand Video Recording of Susan Eernisse's webinar from Fall 2016: "What to Teach and When - Scope and Sequence for the Children's Choir" Please note that this is a recording of a live webinar even...
CGDVD24 Tom Shelton Webinar 2016 How to Teach an Anthem Video on Demand
On-Demand Video Recording of Tom Shelton's webinar from Fall 2016: "How to Teach a New Anthem" Please note that this is a recording of a live webinar event, and that video and audio quality reflect ...
CGDVD25 John Feierabend Webinar 2016 Vocal Development for Young Child Video on Demand
On-Demand Video Recording of John Feierabend's webinar from Fall 2016: "Vocal Development for Young Children - Part 1" Please note that this is a recording of a live webinar event, and that video an...
CGDVD26 John Feierabend Webinar 2016 Vocal Development for Young Child Video o
On-Demand Video Recording of John Feierabend's webinar from Fall 2017: Vocal Development for Young Children - Part 2" Please note that this is a recording of a live webinar event, and that video and a...
CGDVD27 Elizabeth Shepley Webinar 2017 Video on Demand
On-Demand Video Recording of Elizabeth Shepley's webinar from 2017: Finding Your Voice - Strategies to Help Singers Develop Pitch Matching and Other Essential Singing Skills" Please note that this is...
CGDVD28 Brian Hehn Webinar 2017 Video on Demand
On-Demand Video Recording of Brian Hehn's webinar from 2017: "Children and Hymns - Learning, Leading, and Loving" Please note that this is a recording of a live webinar event, and that video and aud...
CGDVD29 Terry Taylor Webinar 2017 Video on Demand
On-Demand Video Recording of Terry Taylor's webinar from 2017: "From Rote Singing to Note Reading" Please note that this is a recording of a live webinar event, and that video and audio quality refl...
CGDVD30 Andrea Ramsey Webinar 2017 Video on Demand
On-Demand Video Recording of Andrea Ramsey's webinar from 2017: "FUNdamentals of Creative Choral Artistry" Please note that this is a recording of a live webinar event, and that video and audio qual...
CGDVD31 Lynn Shaw Bailey Webinar 2017 Video on Demand
On-Demand Video Recording of Lynn Shaw Bailey's webinar from 2017: "Come to the Manger - Creative Christmas Worship Solutions for Choirs of All Ages and Congregations of Any Size" Please note that thi...
CGDVD32 Melissa Keylock Warmups Webinar 2016 Video on Demand
On-Demand Video Recording of Melissa Keylock's webinar from 2016: "Vocal and Physical Warm-Ups" Please note that this is a recording of a live webinar event, and that video and audio quality reflect ...
CGDVD33 Melissa Keylock Yoga Webinar 2017 Video on Demand
On-Demand Video Recording of Melissa Keylock's webinar from 2017: "Yoga Stretches to Encourage Good Posture, Stage Presence, and Breath in Your Singers" Please note that this is a recording of a live...
CGDVD34 Olfary Gutierrez Webinar 2018 Video on Demand
On-Demand Video Recording of Olfary Gutierrez's webinar from 2018: "Understanding and Managing a Multicultural Choral Group" Please note that this is a recording of a live webinar event, and that vid...
CGIN1601 Great Is Thy Faithfulness - Flute or C instrument part
This beloved hymn of faith is given a fresh sound by the pen of composer Mark Patterson. Available in two treble voicings - SSA or Unison (with opt. descant) - this choral arrangement is filled with w...
CGDVD44 Greg Gilpin Webinar 2020 Video on Demand
On-Demand Video Recording of Greg Gilpin's webinar from 2020: "Composition 101: Arranging Folk Songs and Spirituals"Please note that this is a recording of a live webinar event, and that video and aud...
CGDVD35 Fred Meads Webinar 2018 Video on Demand
On-Demand Video Recording of Fred Mead's webinar from 2018: "Nurturing the Young Singer & Musical Excellence in Children's Choirs"Please note that this is a recording of a live webinar event, and that...
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