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CGA664 Mary's Holy Child

The lovely, original melody of this Christmas anthem has a memorable, folk-like quality. It will be both accessible and enjoyable for youth choirs to sing. Voicing: SAB Composer: Charlotte Algozin ...

CGA666 Oh, What Beauty, Lord, Appears

This SATB music by Mozart is an attractive addition to the repertoire for junior high and high school choirs. The piece provides an opportunity of singing the music of the masters in a setting with vo...

CGA667 Celebrate the Risen Christ

The infectious Cook Island melody almost sings itself. A joyous SAB Easter anthem based on a text by Brian Wren. This youth choir anthem is published as a part of Choristers Guild's Mixed Voices seri...

CGA668 Praise to the Trinity

A memorable repeated refrain is sung in alternation with vibrant stanzas in celebration of the Trinity. Guitar chords are provided in addition to the keyboard accompaniment. Voicing: Unison/two part...

CGA670 Sing to the God of Israel Canticle of Deborah

The Song of Deborah (Judges 5: 1-5, 10-12) is the basis for this dramatic anthem for two part voices with organ, percussion, optional C instrument, and optional congregation. The piece was premiered a...

CGA672 Followers of the Lamb

A joyous setting of a well-known Shaker text and tune for unison voices with piano, flute, and percussion. The arrangement nicely captures the spirit and inherent energetic drive of the melody. Voic...

CGA673 Do You Know Your Shepherd's Voice

The anthem begins with questions about the Shepherd, paired with a simple yet lovely melody. The middle section of the anthem quotes the familiar twenty-third psalm. The piece concludes with a return ...

CGA674 Christ Is Risen Alleluia

Choirs will enjoy singing this joyous Easter anthem. With its two 'partner melodies', taught separately and later combined, it makes for easily-learned part singing. If available, the optional five ha...

CGA675 True Friends

A flowing piano accompaniment and guitar chord symbols are the accompaniment for this melodic and meaningful youth choir anthem based on a text by Brian Wren. Voicing: Unison, SAB Composer: Jeffrey ...

CGA677 The Kingdom of God

A spirited, ballad-like anthem based on Matthew 13. The two parts may be sung by any combination of voices. Voicing: Two-part Composer: Conway A. Bolt Jr. Text: Conway A. Bolt Jr., based on Matt...

CGA678 Lord Jesus, Be My Song

This flowing, lyrical anthem for unison voices will be accessible for primary-age choirs. The meaningful text gives assurance of the Lord's presences with us in all that we do. Voicing: Unison voice...

CGA679 Alleluia, Come, Let Us Sing

Much imitation is employed in the vocal parts of this memorable anthem. With its antiphonal nature, the pieced would lend itself nicely to a physical separation of the two groups of singers for an eff...

CGA680 The Friendly Beasts

Joel Martinson has arranged the traditional carol with the charm of a Renaissance dance. Unison with keyboard and optional treble instrument. Voicing: Unison with C instrument, flute, and oboe Com...

CGA681 Tell All the World

"Tell All the World" is built on an energetic, flowing melody which will be easy to learn. The canonic treatment of the vocal parts will aid in a feeling of security for early part-singers. The option...

CGA683 Ask and Seek and Knock

A meaningful anthem based on a text from Luke 11: 9, 12: 31. (A parallel text is Matthew 7: 7.) The melodic line will be easily taught. Voicing: Two-part voices with keyboard (and opt. C instrument)...

CGA684 Strike the Cymbal

Teenage choirs are offered the chance to sing the music of the masters in this SAB anthem by Schubert/Lovelace. With its memorable melody and accessible vocal parts, it will be a welcome addition to t...

CGA686 Four African Hymns

Authentic SATB arrangements of four African hymns. Included in the preface are notes on the origins and stylistic elements of the pieces, pronunciation helps (Swahili), and performance and teaching su...

CGA687 Gentle Shepherd, Kind and True

Hal Hopson sets the Parable of the Lost Sheep to a lovely, simple melody in "Gentle Shepherd, Kind and True." With just two verses and refrain, this anthem is easily learned for Good Shepherd Sunday, ...

CGA688 Shall We Gather at the River Unison and SATB

Unison and SATB choirs join together in this flowing, lyrical arrangement of the popular hymn. The accompaniment is written for piano with optional flute or other treble instrument. This is sure to be...

CGA691 Christ Is Coming

A melodic Advent anthem announcing that Christ is Coming. The piece begins in unison, and later adds an optional second part written in a style of imitation. Voicing: Unison/two-part with piano Com...

CGA692 Jesus Christ Is Born Today

An anthem filled with exuberant joy about Jesus' birth. The handbell (2 octaves) are a nice addition, but are not required. Voicing: Handbells; 2 octaves Composer: Gene Grier, Douglas E. Wagner T...

CGA693 Seven Songs for the Church Year

A collection of seven songs written with the primary-age choir in mind. The attractive music and texts will be accessible for young singers. The added use of a few handbells (2 oct. range) will add in...

CGA694 Unto Us a Child is Born

Woven into the middle of this joyous Christmas anthem is the hymntune, "Lobt Gott, Ihr Christen" by Nikolaus Herman. The text is based on Isaiah 9: 6 and selected verses of Psalms 98. If desired, a C ...

CGA695 Faith That's Sure

A purposeful unison anthem about 'Faith That's Sure'. The accompaniment has a sturdy, robust feel, which supports the anthem's theme of firm and immovable conviction. If desired, banjo or autoharp may...

CGA696 Little Jesus

A singable, attractive Christmas anthem for unison voices. The flowing keyboard accompaniment adds support to the voices and suggests the rocking motion of a lullaby. Voicing: Unison with optional fl...

CGA698 Give Me Joy In My Heart

Children will enjoy singing this energetic, original melody from the pen of John Burke. The lively, rhythmic keyboard accompaniment supports the voices nicely. After the melody has been well establish...

CGA699 Tell Me More

Singers will enjoy the driving energy of this anthem about Jesus' life and ministry. The piece quotes the familiar hymn, 'Tell Me the Story of Jesus', tune by John R. Sweeney (1837-1899) and text by F...

CGA70 Sing Unto the Lord

Unison anthem with optional percussion. Verses: Psalm 96:1, 4; Psalm 98:1, 5 Composer: Stanley Smith Voicing: Unison treble with optional tambourine finger cymbal

CGA703 Peace Be With You

Peace Be With You was originally written as the end of a tiny opera composed for an elementary school in New Haven, CT. Voicing: SATB with soloists or small groups for each of the 8 introductory phra...

CGA703o Peace Be With You Instrumental Parts

Instrumental Parts for CGA703 Peace Be With You by Sue Ellen Page. Includes Flute, Violin I, Vioin II, Viola, and Cello parts. Peace Be With You was originally written as the end of a tiny opera com...

CGA704 Thy Perfect Love

A memorable, melodic piece for youth or adult choirs (SAB or SATB). The text quotes Ephesians 5: 1-2 and an anonymous 15th century text. Voicing: SAB, SATB Composer: K. Lee Scott Text: Anonymous,...

CGA705 Prepare

An exuberant anthem expressing the joyful anticipation of the birth of the Christ child. The anthem is written in an ABA form; the flowing, legato middle section provides contrast. Appropriate for you...

CGA706 Hosanna, Hosanna

A delightful, happy 'hosanna' anthem which will be accessible to younger elementary choirs. It has a memorable, singable melody, as well as the instant appeal for which composers Natalie Sleeth was kn...

CGA708 The Whole World Sings Alleluia

This happy anthem with its repeating 'alleluia' refrain will be accessible to young elementary choirs while holding the interest of older singers. If desired, simple handclaps or percussion may be add...

CGA709 On Earth Has Dawned This Day of Days

Here is a joyous, versatile anthem which can be sung by any combination of voices. The accompaniment is scored for keyboard and optional handbells (2 octaves). The piece is based on a traditional Corn...

CGA711 Halle, Hallelujah

This exuberant anthem pairs a traditional Caribbean melody with a strong, spirited piano accompaniment. The memorable melody is complemented by an optional harmony part. The vocal part(s) may be sung ...

CGA713 Help Us Accept Each Other

A delightful arrangement of a traditional Puerto Rican tune paired with a compelling text by Fred Kaan. Excellent anthem for teaching acceptance of others. Composer: Traditional Puerto Rican Arrange...

CGA714 Israel, Awake

A dramatic and exciting setting of a text from the book of Judges. Especially recommended for choirs seeking more challenging literature. Voicing: Unison with organ and percussion Composer: Jody W. ...

CGA716 Declare God's Glory

A bright unison anthem of praise with an optional second part (that adds a delightful echo). The psalm-based text is set to a happy, syncopated melodic line. The two stanzas of the anthem effectively ...

CGA717 Do You Ever Wonder

A memorable melody, a spirited accompaniment, and a thought-provoking text join together in this joyful anthem celebrating the wonderful gifts of God's creation in the world around us. Voicing: Uniso...

CGA718 I Will Sing Praises

An exuberant and exciting SATB piece written in an authentic Black Gospel style effectively arranged by Andre Thomas. The solo verses alternate with the full score. Voicing: SATB with piano Compose...

CGA719 Glad Songs We Bring

This collection of four short anthems is designed with the younger elementary choir in mind. The four anthems included are: 'Make Music for the Lord' - Natalie Sleeth (General), 'Mary, Make a Manger B...

CGA720 Carol of Prophecy

A memorable anthem alternating between metered refrains and 'free' stanzas. Voicing: Unison voices Composer: Shirley W. McRae Text: Shirley W. McRae Season: Advent

CGA721 O Come, O Come, Immanuel (SAB)

A new arrangement for mixed voices of a popular Natalie Sleeth anthem. Composer: Natalie Sleeth Arranger: Jane Marshall Text: Natalie Sleeth

CGA722 Glory to God in the Highest

This exuberant, celebrative Christmas anthem will be a wonderful opportunity for combining various ages of choirs for a combined Christmas celebration. Voicing: SATB/Unison Composer: Robert H. McIve...

CGA724 Hungarian Christmas Carol

A charming anthem appropriate for younger elementary choirs, as well as for choirs with a larger age range. The memorable melody and limited number of words make it an easy piece for young singers. V...

CGA725 Look Again at the Child

Christmas. A tender, lyrical Christmas anthem from the pen of Suzanne Lord. The text is a reflection of the meaning of the Savior's birth in the manger so long ago. Voicing: Two parts Composer: Suza...

CGA726 Shepherd Boy

The text of this unison anthem is set to the hauntingly beautiful melody accompanied by keyboard and optional recorder. It is a tender story of a shepherd boy's first meeting with the Christ child. It...

CGA727 Give Thanks and Praise

The energetic, memorable melody of this "calypso feel" anthem is contagious! The supportive, rhythmic accompaniment is written for keyboard and optional percussion. Voicing: Unison/2-part Composer:...

CGA728 Give Us Love

A memorable 'quasi pop style' anthem which combines a lyrical melody together with gentle syncopation. The vocal part is mostly unison with some optional divisi at the end. Voicing: Unison/2-part Co...

CGA730 Standin' in the Need of Prayer

A delightful arrangement of the traditional African American Spiritual with voice ranges appropriate for teenage choirs. After a soulful beginning with a solo voice or small group, the mood and tempo ...

CGA731 We Are Children of Our God

The form of this anthem employs a repeating refrain. The repetition will help familiarize listeners, who may be invited to join in singing the refrain near the end of the piece if desired. The optiona...

CGA732 Keeping My Eyes on You

Teenage choirs will relate to both the words and music of this very accessible anthem. The thought-provoking text speaks of finding strength in seeking the Lord's will in all we do. Composer: Pethel...

CGA734 Called By The Spirit

Here is a fun, rhythmic anthem for unison or two-part treble voices. The text by Mary Nelson Keithahn acquaints the singers (and listeners) with the lives of the Old Testament prophets Elijah, Jeremia...

CGA735 Into Jerusalem

This joyous anthem will be within the capabilities of younger elementary singers. It should also work well for choirs combining older and younger elementary ages. The text by Susan Kay Fair is based o...

CGA738 Consider the Lilies (2 part mixed)

This longtime, best-selling Choristers Guild anthem is perfect for any choir of mixed voices. The simple, two-part voicing is easy to learn and offers several opportunities for the men to sing the inf...

CGA74 A Joyous Psalm

This anthem by Eugene Butler is for Unison voices and Organ or Piano and is based on Psalm 138. Voicing: Unison Composer: Eugene Butler

CGA740 Miriam's Song

The familiar song of Miriam from Exodus 15:1-21 is the theme of this jubilant and very rhythmic anthem of praise: "Sing to the Lord, for God has triumphed gloriously." Voicing: Unison Arranger: Mich...

CGA741 Love One Another

This anthem is a wonderful way to teach children the important concepts of loving one another, and of giving of ourselves in kind deeds to help others. The text is based on John 13: 34-35 and Matthew ...

CGA743 Fairest Lord Jesus

An inspiring anthem which combines an original melody together with the familiar hymntune, "Schonster Herr Jesu". (In some hymnals, this tune is known as "Crusader's Hymn" and "St. Elizabeth".) The fi...

CGA744 We Sing to God, Our King

The title included in this delightful set of three original anthems are: (1) Come, All Children, Sing to the Savior, (2) Lord Jesus, You Are Ever Mine, and (3) Above the Clear, Blue Sky. The first and...

CGA745 God Shines Forth

A bright and happy anthem based on an original text by Hank Beebe. Through the text we are assured of God's constant presence in our lives. Voicing: Unison/2-part Composer: Hank Beebe

CGA746 Rejoice, Rejoice, Believers

The music of this anthem if original, but it has a distinctly Israeli flavor, complementing the words of hope and expectation of the promised coming of the Messiah. Voicing: 2-part mixed Composer: J...

CGA747 Prayer Litany (2-Part)

The flowing lyrical music of this anthem is combined with a text taken from the prayers of St. Francis of Assisi and St. Richard of Chichester. The expressive accompaniment is written for keyboard wit...

CGA748 The Greatest Gift

Although SATB, there is considerable unison throughout this anthem, and the vocal ranges are ideal for teenagers. Gene Grier's text speaks of the unlikely birthplace of Jesus, concluding with joyful a...

CGA749 Dance and Sing, For the Lord Will Be With Us

A memorable anthem alternating between metered refrains and 'free' stanzas. Voicing: Unison/two-part with keyboard and opt. tambourine Arranger: Hal H. Hopson Tune: Ancient Hebrew folk melody Sea...

CGA750 Create in Me, O God

With its antiphonal nature, the voicing of this piece has many possibilities including: two unison choirs, soloist and choir, or choir and congregation. A congregational part is provided within the pu...

CGA752 Jus' a Little Farther to Go

This delightful, rhythmic anthem is written in a Jamaican style. Verse by verse it tells the story of wary Mary and Joseph traveling to the manger birthplace, and the shepherds and Wise Men journeying...

CGA754 Sing We Now of Christmas

Flexible voicing characterizes this piece. Some of the performance possibilities are as follows: (1) as written, with combined children's SAB and SATB choirs, (2) two youth or adult groups of singers,...

CGA756 The Canticle of Brother Sun

This anthem celebrates the many gifts of creation which we have been given to enjoy. The text of thanksgiving and praise is based on a prayer by St. Francis of Assisi. The anthem is recommended in the...

CGA757 What a Wonder

The lovely Malaysian folk melody and text combine to give this piece a feeling of wonder and delight. Hal Hopson wrote this for his grandson. The voices begin in unison, and if desired may divide late...

CGA759 Star Shine Bright

The use of repetition helps make this charming anthem easy for children to learn. The text focuses on the coming of the Wise Men to see the Baby Jesus, led by the bright star. Voicing: Unison voicec...

CGA760 Psalm of Joy

The music of William Boyce (1710-1779) is the basis for this anthem which provides young singers with an introduction to music of the late Baroque period. The spirited music is combined with a joyful ...

CGA761 Bless This Gift

This ballad-like anthem is written in a popular style with a rhythmic, syncopated accompaniment. It is based on the story of the young boy who had five loaves and two fish, and the miracle which took ...

CGA766 Bless God's Holy Name

This joyful paraphrase from Psalms 103 is set in a 6/8 meter with a flowing melody, marked 'Quick and Light'. After the vocal melody is introduced, canonic treatment is used. Following a contrasting B...

CGA767 Christ Is Risen

A memorable, happy melody is combined with a text taken from Matthew 28: 1-7, Mark 16: 1-8 and Luke 24: 1-9. The anthem is short in length and will be easily taught and learned. Composer: Jane Lindn...

CGA768 Easter Song

This joyous, original Easter anthem is based on Luke 24: 1-9. Most of the anthem is sung by voices in unison. When the voices divide in the final section, the three vocal parts are based on themes lea...

CGA769 Spirit Trilogy

From the pen of Sandy Wilkinson comes the original music of this lyrical youth choir piece. The anthem is based on a thought-provoking text by Trilby C. Jordan, and has a subtitle of 'Spirit of Faith,...

CGA772 When Jesus Was a Growing Lad

This thought-provoking anthem brings the story of Jesus' visit to the temple at the age of twelve into a new light. Based on the scriptural account from Luke 2: 41-52, the text by John Horman draws pa...

CGA774 Lord, We Come to Praise You

A flowing melody characterizes this original anthem, which is accessible to the younger elementary choir while holding the interest of older singers. The anthem offers the possibility of using soloist...

CGA777 Good Things

The music of this original anthem is written in an 'easy swing style'. The text, also by Jane Marshall, reminds us of the many 'good things' we have to be thankful for, all gifts from God. Voicing: ...

CGA779 Allelu, Sing Praises

Written in a jazz style, "Allelu, Sing Praises!" Will help teach syncopation and good solid part singing. The vocal ranges are modest. The piece begins with a unison melody and gradually builds as oth...

CGA780 Set the Sun Dancing

Shirley Erena Murray's text is combined with an original melody in this bright and exuberant anthem. The music dances and sparkles, perfectly complementing the ideas of the text. Voicing: Unison wit...

CGA781 The Greatest Is Love

A lyrical, lovely melodic line is supported by warm harmonic treatment in this fresh setting of an important biblical text. Although it is optional, the use of flute is encouraged as it beautifully en...

CGA783 Sing and Make Music to the Lord

This energetic anthem of praise is based on a text paraphrased form Ephesians 5: 19, Psalms 9: 1-2, and Colossians 3: 15-17. The rhythmic keyboard accompaniment is enhanced by the optional handbells, ...

CGA786 What Can I Give Him

This is an excellent marriage of a new tune to Christina Rossetti's classic poem. Voices coupled with harp make this piece a 'must have' for any seasonal or Christmas Eve service. Voicing: Unison an...

CGA787 Hydom, Hydom A Czech Carol

Through written in 2/4 meter, the accompaniment gives a feel of syncopation and excitement to the piece. The simple melodic line and the use of repetition make this anthem accessible for young singers...

CGA788 Three for Young Singers

Three original texts and melodies by Phyllis and John Miller make a nice set for the younger children's choir. Simple, yet meaningful texts and very singable tunes will make these pieces very popular ...

CGA789 An Echo Carol

An original text by Michael Bedford bidding us to 'come to the manger' is interwoven with a recurring 'Venite, adoremus Dominum.' This lovely anthem is written in a joyous, dance-like 6/8 meter with a...

CGA790 Psalm 150 Two Part

The original music of this anthem portrays the excitement and majesty of the psalm text. The oboe and organ beautifully support the voices and work together to proclaim the text. 'Let everything that ...

CGA792 Everyone Praise the Lord

This happy and energetic anthem calls everyone to join in praising the Lord. An optional flute part adds sparkle to the memorable music. Voicing: Unison with keyboard and optional flute Composer: To...

CGA793 A Call to Praise

Older elementary/middle school choirs will enjoy this new composition by Jim Taylor. Unique and distinctive best describe this original text and tune. A lush, warm keyboard accompaniment and a somewha...

CGA794 Cantate Domino!

Written for a chorus of two equal parts, this joyous anthem of praise is full of rhythmic energy! Alternating between 4/4 and 6/8 meters, the two parts are complemented by an energetic, aggressive acc...

CGA798 Huddle Close

Subtitled 'Carol of the Animals', this charming original composition is sure to warm the hearts of young and old. This creative piece is an admonition to the animals at the manger to 'huddle close' an...

CGA799 Sing and Rejoice with Heart and Voice

The anticipation of Advent is joyfully portrayed in this new work. Original text and tune are well-matched, set in a spirited, flowing 6/8 meter. An optional divisi sets the upper voices singing 'alle...

CGA800 Keep Me as the Apple of Your Eye

The memorable melody is introduced with all voices singing in unison. Following a short middle section with a contrasting melody, the original melodic material returns, sung first in unison and then i...

CGA802 Let Us Rejoice and Sing

A brilliant, festive anthem of praise, this composition is based on Psalms 118: 24, with additional original text by the composer. The middle section is expressive in the relative minor and leads to a...

CGA804 With One Heart

This anthem is a beautifully crafted adaptation of Romans 15: 6 ' that together you may with one voice glorify the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ'. The lyric, lilting melodic line of thi...

CGA805 In That Happy Land

Solid part writing and accessible vocal ranges combine to make this piece an excellent choice for youth choirs. Base on a traditional early American tune, the arrangement is fresh and interesting, sup...

CGA806 Come Worship God This Holy Day

Uses the German Lutheran chorale tune HERR JESU CHRIST, DICH ZU UNS WEND located in the 'Cantionale Germanicum' of 1628. The alternating 6/4 and 3/2 meters give it a dance-like quality, and the origin...

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