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Items Found: 5319
CGA809 Make Your Life a Song to God
This energetic anthem interprets the theme of Choristers Guild's 50th Anniversary Celebration. Based on numerous scripture verses, the composer uses a recurring theme: 'Jesus will put the melody into ...
CGA810 Blessed Be the Name of the Lord
Here is an all-occasion anthem written for two part children's choir (second part optional) that makes a nice connection to our anniversary year theme. This setting of a classic biblical exclamation o...
This is a refrain/verse anthem for unison voices, with an optional descant on the final refrain. The lilting melody can be learned quickly by children and the rhythmic, ear-catching accompaniment prov...
CGA812 I Sing the Almighty Power of God
I Sing the Almighty Power of God' is one of Isaac Watts' most beloved texts. This fresh new setting is easy to put together and perfect for both young singers and adults. It is ideal for any festive o...
CGA813 Sing an Alleluia to the Lord
Written in a modified ABA form and with an uplifting modulation in the middle section, this anthem is effective with any size choir. An original text is coupled with more familiar lines of Stopfford A...
CGA817 I Will Rejoice in the Lord
This short, festive anthem is based on a cantata for two voices and continuo. The text is adapted from Psalm 34:3. The anthem makes an appropriate call to worship as well as a 'formal' anthem. The org...
Based on Psalm 92, 'A Song for the Sabbath' was commissioned by a community children's choir, ages 8-16. The alto voice part accommodates some of the lower voices of the older choristers. The tambouri...
The music is intended for young choirs (K-3) although an optional second part is provided so that an older elementary choir may be included to provide support for the youngest singers and add interest...
This lovely pentatonic Canadian folk melody from "Land of the Silver Birch" suggests the vastness of space. Both text and melody praise the God of the universe. Voicing: Two-Part with flute, percussi...
Based on Psalms 145, this simple ABA anthem tells of ways children can praise and worship God. Consider introducing this anthem by first teaching the prayer song and using it as a closing song for you...
With a light Latin-feel this anthem is appropriate for a communion service. There's plenty of unison singing with some SAB sections. Voicing: SAB with keyboard Composer: Stan Pethel Text: Stan P...
The story of an Old Testament hero comes to life through a clever text by Stephen Lazicki that is set to irresistible, toe-tapping music. A colorful keyboard part further illuminates the story while s...
CGA828 Sing Thankful Songs (Cantad cancion de gratitud)
The text of this anthem is published as a bilingual anthem, with a Spanish translation by Arturo Gonzalez. The music is based on the American folk tune, DOVE OF PEACE. The lilting meter of the melody ...
CGA829 It Is Good to Sing Praise (Es gozoso alabar)
This original anthem is based on a text from Psalms. The lyrical, unison melody of the first section is an exuberant call to praise. The flowing melody of the middle section contrasts in style and int...
A bold, somewhat melodramatic vocal introduction gives way to a catchy melody, conveying the story of Elijah through witty words by Stephen Lazicki. The second vocal part is easy and mostly canonic; a...
CGA833 O Lord, You Know Me Completely O Dios tu me conoces
The words of Psalm 139 have an eloquent simplicity that shines throughout this anthem, which may be sung in unison or two parts by children, youth or adults. The unexpected leaps in the melody and its...
From the opening solo whistle to the powerful conclusion, this bouncy work features a tune that simply will not leave the memory, and it forms a delightful canon to become the second vocal part. This ...
This original work is an anthem of hope and comfort for all ages. The opening statement becomes a recurring theme running though the anthem. It reminds us that the Lord watches over all, 'tenderly gua...
We often tell the Christmas story that happened long ago-shepherds, Wise Men, and angels-all visiting the manger in Bethlehem. But to a child, that was a long time ago in a far away place. This Christ...
Although this is an original text, it is loosely based on a 15th century English carol. It depicts the Annunciation story in which the angel Gabriel appears to the Virgin Mary and tells her that she w...
CGA839 The Lamb (Pequeno Cordero)
The text for this piece is the familiar William Blake poem, 'The Lamb'. The tender melody and optional flute part help communicate the blessing of Blake's text. 'The Lamb' could be used for baptisms, ...
CGA840 Illumined By Your Light
This joyful piece shows how blessed we are to be in God's light. The percussion parts (which can be played as written or ad-libbed) add excitement. The syncopated vocal parts, along with the rhythm in...
J. Paul Williams' text underscores the likelihood that all of heaven and earth continued to celebrate the birth of the newborn Messiah with joyous sounds of music: 'Songs of joy awoke the day as the b...
CGA843 Ride On, Ride On in Majesty
A majestic new tune and new setting of Henry Milman's famous Palm Sunday text contrast the joyous hosannas of Palm Sunday with the approaching sacrifice of Good Friday. Envisioned for three choirs (al...
Jane Martin makes a joyful and inclusive statement in her anthem, 'Make Music!' The scale passages will serve as good music reading examples; extract those and introduce them in your warm-up (measures...
Adoration' brings together two wonderful expressions of praise from two very different times and places. The 'Adoro te devote' is from the 13th century tradition of plainsong, which in its simplicity ...
CGA848 This Is My Father's World
Kathryn Bonner Schulz creates a partner song that fits with 'This Is My Father's World'. The A section of the anthem introduces an original melody that uses the first verse of the hymn for its text. T...
CGA850 Hear Our Prayer Prayers of Intercession and Prayer Response
Handbells and optional instrument team up again in this next addition to the Flexible Favorites series. The memorable carol, "While Shepherds Watched Their Flocks", is intermingled with hints of other...
CGA853 Creator God, Who Has Composed
This lively multi-choir setting of Mary Nelson Keithahn's text is especially appropriate for festival occasions, which highlight the importance of music and musicians in worship today. Dance-like sync...
Even the youngest child can sing this lullaby and tell the story of Jesus' birth. The range and intervals in the music work well for primary age children. Older children will also enjoy the simplicity...
This sparkling anthem combines an infectious melody with an energetic accompaniment. It is an excellent choice for a vibrant, upbeat Christmas piece. Voicing: Unison/two-part voices and piano Comp...
CGA859 Upon a Calm and Quiet Night SATB
Raise your voices strong and clear, for the Song of God is here!' These words come from the angel of the Lord, the Wise Men, and finally the members of the choir, inviting 'all Christians young and ol...
This rhythmic youth choir anthem is written with a flexible voicing to accommodate the specific vocal need of adolescent singers. The tenor part is accessible for unchanged boys' voices and those in t...
The flowing accompaniment for keyboard or harp and optional Flute add to the pastoral atmosphere of this refreshing piece, reminding us of the love and protection of the Good Shepherd. Primarily in un...
The text, 'Loving Spirit,' was written by Shirley Erena Murray as a simple reflection into images of God, as mother, as father and as friend. The addition of the repeated alleluia section in F minor d...
CGA863 Three Canonic Folksongs for Young Singers
The canons in this collection were selected, edited, and arranged to provide materials that would encourage beginning part-singing. With the imagination of choir directors and singers, calls to worshi...
CGA864 Praise the Lord, His Glories Show
Here is an original setting of a classic text by Henry Francis Lyte, 1793-1847, with additional new text by Keith Shafer. Written for a young choir, this accessible anthem has a memorable melody that ...
CGA865 Somebody's Knocking (two-part)
This original spiritual challenges us with the words 'Why don't you answer the knock' Why don't you open the door' Jesus is waiting for you!' The syncopated melody and accompaniment add to our sense o...
CGA866 Somebody's Knocking SATB version
This original spiritual challenges us with the words 'Why don't you answer the knock' Why don't you open the door' Jesus is waiting for you!' The syncopated melody and accompaniment add to our sense o...
CGA868 Shalom Chaverim We Go Now in Peace
Shalom Chaverim is an old Hebrew blessing song that can be sung as a round. This arrangement is actually an accompanied round. Voicing options are very flexible. Voicing: Three part (any combination...
CGA869 Lift Your Voices, Wave the Palms
This joyous Palm Sunday anthem for combined choirs (or SAB choir) is written in antiphonal style. The memorable vocal lines are accessible. Because of the antiphonal nature of the piece, a spatial sep...
In the gospels of Matthew, Mark, and Luke we read of Jesus entering a place called Gethsemane and praying that 'this cup may pass from me'. A haunting modal melody, interspersed with occasional harmon...
This dance-like Renaissance style setting for krummhorns (you can substitute organ reeds, of course), recorder, and tambourine may be used as a unison or four-part choir setting. All instrumental part...
CGA875 Music of Creation Choral Full Score
Music of Creation' is a joyful setting of a text by Shirley Erena Murray, which exalts God as the 'composer' of a world where music is the expression of God's glory. The addition of children's voices ...
CGA876 The Lord Is My Strength Habakkuk's Prayer
This piece is based on the prayer found in the third chapter of Habakkuk. The reassurance of this tender, yet powerful SATB anthem is that the Lord is our strength and the one who enables us to 'walk ...
Adapted from Psalm 27, this exuberant anthem has become one of Choristers Guild's most popular anthems over the past decade. With it's bright, dancing tempo and cheerful, lilting accompaniment, this p...
CGA879 Create in Me a Clean Heart
This anthem, based on Psalm 51: 10-12, highlights the Psalmist's prayer but determined request to grow in faith and purity. The majority of the anthem is unison until the final refrain when the 2nd vo...
A setting of David's prayer from Psalm 25: 5, 'Lead Me in Your Truth' combines memorable, lyrical melodies with an intriguing accompaniment. With its clever use of form (the contrasting melody of the ...
This fresh arrangement of a Fanny Crosby text set to a tune by Pete Butler is a must have for every children's choir. The optional second part can easily be learned by young singers, adding dimensions...
CGA883 I Was Glad Choral Full Score
This stirring anthem based on Psalm 122 is easier than it sounds. Children's voices imitate the adult sopranos in the opening and closing sections in a quasi Renaissance style supported by large block...
CGA884 I Sing the Mighty Power of God Choral Full Score
Combining the powerful Isaac Watts text with the lovely English tune FOREST GREEN, this hymn concertato is accessible for even a small children's choir. The first stanza is sung in unison, followed by...
The spirit of Advent is captured in this rhythmic anthem for SAT(B). The text speaks to our need and longing for the coming of the Lord while the engaging melody is harmonized with easy to learn parts...
This beautiful text comes together with a lovely, easy to sing melody that is perfect for any children's choir. A creative interchange from d minor to D major keenly bridges a mood of reflection to on...
This anthem incorporates thought from Dietrich Bonhoffer's statement, 'Singing,' from which the conference theme emerged. A bright beginning and ending frame, and a lyrical middle section. Voicing: ...
A rap, a short liturgical chant, an arietta, and a hymn are woven into this lively anthem abut time. The diversity of musical styles indicates change and development in the past and in the new millenn...
This quiet, reflective antiphon originally appeared in 'Psalms Together', a collection of 6 antiphons taken from Psalms appearing in the Common Lectionary. Suitable for voices of all ages, this settin...
CGA893 Where You Need Me I Will Go (Unison/two-part)
A memorable melody and an inspiring text of personal commitment make this anthem ideal for use with missions or stewardship emphases or for general use. An edition for SATB voices is also available - ...
Combining related text from Psalm 1, Psalm 119, and Ephesians 3, this anthem highlights the importance of God's Word. All are encouraged to find strength and wisdom in the Word and to celebrate the fr...
This lyrical folk-like melody with its beautiful text is a wonderful way to begin the Advent season. The anthem includes a refrain for flute and voices after verses 2 and 4 providing a lovely variety ...
CGA900 Hark The Herald Angels Sing Choral Score
Based on the text of the Antiphon for Christmas Day and Charles Wesley's stirring text based on the incarnation, this concertato is most fitting as a Call to Worship and opening hymn for Christmas wor...
CGA903 Rejoice, Praises Render (Auf, freue dich Seele) Full Score
This work, from the Easter cantata, 'Denn du wirst meine Seele' was written by J. L. Bach, a distant cousin of J. S. Bach. Originally scored for soprano solo, strings, and continuo, this edition provi...
CGA905 The Liturgy of the Palms Choral Full Score
This powerful anthem recounts the Palm Sunday event as told in the gospel of Mark. The narrator begins the story, which is soon continued by the choir as it builds to the triumphant 'Hosannas!' The an...
CGA913 Come, Children, and Join in Our Festival Song
This anthem is based on an anonymous melody. The simple, joyful tune is ideal for children's voices and perfect for church anniversary celebrations, festival events, or any service of rejoicing. The l...
CGA914 A Mighty Fortress Is Our God
This driving energetic, new arrangement of Martin Luther's family hymn is perfect for youth choirs. The flexible voicing options include soprano, alto, and tenor parts to accommodate smaller choirs or...
CGA915 Jesus Christ Is Risen Today (Choral Score)
This flexible arrangement may be played by handbells alone, or with the addition of optional organ, brass quartet, timpani, SATB choir, and congregation. Sound file: Full Score Voicing: SATB Choir...
CGA916 Where Shall I Go From Your Spirit
This composition of medium difficulty was written specifically for the middle school singer. The flowing melody and the substantial harmonies provide opportunities to teach legato singing, sustained p...
CGA920 The First Noel (arr. Berg)
This arrangement of the traditional English carol captures the dance-like quality of the beloved melody. The flute part provides a shimmering effect reminiscent of bright stars on a cold, clear night....
CGA921 I Sing a Song of the Saints of God
Ideal for use in All Saints Day services, this anthem provides flexible voicing options making it accessible for choirs of any size. The middle section offers a variation of the melody as it partners ...
This delightful Christmas anthem describes the joyful journey to find the Savior Child. Written in a catchy spiritual feel, the piece features a syncopated melody and several chromatic key changes. Th...
CGA923 O Little Town of Bethlehem (Three-part)
A stirring new melody written for the traditional carol text highlights the wonder of this new anthem. The descending perfect fifth interval becomes the trademark feature of the new melody as it reocc...
This new Christmas carol paints a picture of Christmas upside down, Christmas in the midst of summer in the southern hemisphere, reminding us that the Christ Child is a gift to all of us, everywhere, ...
CGA926 Let All Things Now Living (Unison/Two-part)
In this sparkling arrangement of the lovely Welsh folk melody, choir and congregation share singing responsibilities as they alternate singing phrase by phrase. This delightful interchange enhances th...
CGA927 Then Shall the Eyes of the Blind
From 'Trio in D minor', Op. 49, No. 1 comes this beautiful melody that begs to be sung as well as played. The text, adapted from Isaiah 35 and 60, eloquently expresses the message of Christian faith: ...
Ideal for use with early elementary choirs, this delightful piece sets the creation story to an easy to sing pentatonic melody. The piece can be accompanied by either piano or Orff instruments (bass x...
CGA930 The Lord Is My Shepherd Two-Part
This inspired melody by one of today's leading composers in church music has been a best seller for years in the original SATB version (CGA551).It is now available in this two-part treble voicing. You...
Since their inception and throughout the history of music, the Psalms have served as a rich textual source for musical expression. These three settings, based on Psalms 34, 121, and 118, vary in music...
CGA935 Didn't My Lord Deliver Daniel
This favorite African-American spiritual comes alive for young voices in this spirited, new setting. With a touch of jazz, the creative and rhythmic vocal lines, as well as the accessible and supporti...
Based on a popular Tanzanian melody, this new anthem incorporates optional percussion instruments creating a unique, multi-cultural approach to Palm Sunday. The reoccurring refrain incorporates an eas...
CGA939 Too Splendid for Speech but Ripe for a Song Choral Score
Using Thomas Troeger's text based on Psalm 98, this anthem for intergenerational choirs (children, middle school, high school, and adults) repeatedly employs musical motives of the hymn tune AZMON and...
CGA941 Lord, I Want to Be a Christian SAB
The traditional text of this familiar spiritual is set to a lovely new melody that's both memorable and easy to learn. Reinforced by the simple accompaniment, the gentle melody creates a mood of refle...
CGA942 Sing Praise to the Mighty God
This unison setting of the SATB chorus from Cantata 29, 'Gelobet sei der Herr, mein Gott', is based on Psalm 19: 1-2. A variety of voicing options make this piece suitable for use with children's choi...
CGA944 Come, Teach Us, Spirit of Our God Choral/Full Score
Using the text of a beautiful poem by Shirley Erena Murray, this anthem for intergenerational choirs (children, youth, and adults) features a gently flowing melody that later joins a secondary tune. T...
CGA946 We, the Children, Lift Our Voices
Initially released in William Moore's 'Columbian Harmony' in 1825, this pentatonic-based American folk tune has become a familiar and often heard melody. The vocal harmonies are both traditional and e...
CGA947 Brethren, We Have Met to Worship
Initially released in William Moore's 'Columbian Harmony' in 1825, this pentatonic-based American folk tune has become a familiar and often heard melody. The vocal harmonies are both traditional and e...
Initially released in William Moore's 'Columbian Harmony' in 1825, this pentatonic-based American folk tune has become a familiar and often heard melody. The vocal harmonies are both traditional and e...
CGA949 A Wondrous Circle of Love
A touching lyric and a gently rhythmic melody make this a delightful selection for a home or family emphasis. The melody is easily learned, and the images of unconditional love from everyday life will...
CGA950 For the Beauty of the Earth (arr. Wood)
Refreshing new harmonies enhance this charming setting of the familiar hymntune DIX. The children's choir sings the simple hymn tune in unison alternating stanzas with the SATB choir. The mixed voices...
This set of three pieces celebrates a diversity of ethnic music. Contents of the set include an Israeli folk song with a text from Isaiah, a Brazilian folk hymn, and a Chinese folk hymn praising the g...
CGA955 With Dancing Banners, Tuneful Bells Choral/Full Score
This stirring anthem portrays the church at worship: gathering, giving thanks, greeting one another, offering prayers of confession and intercession, sharing in communion, making an offering prayers, ...
CGA956 Ding, Dong Merrily on High
This light, joyous arrangement of the familiar carol will add charm to any Christmas service. The repetitive phrases and familiar tune give the singers a chance to focus on singing long phrases and be...
This treasured anthem by Helen Kemp was first published in 1996 for two part treble voices (CGA747). Helen's son, Michael Kemp, has now arranged the piece for mixed voices giving youth and adult choir...
Timeless words from Isaac Watts blend a lullaby for a child of today with images of Jesus in his manger bed. The beautiful minor melody can be easily sung by a unison or two part choir with a gentle k...
CGA968 All Things Bright and Beautiful (arr. Wright)
Set to a delightful, new melody, this well-known hymn text celebrates the beauty and wonder of God's creation. The ABA form makes the anthem easy to teach and easy to learn, an excellent piece to use ...
This anthem, for the 24th Sunday after Pentecost, contrasts the idea of Jesus the Good Shepherd with the popular concept of a royal ruler. It also evokes pictures of Jesus with the children, the Parab...
CGA971 We All Are God's Children
Set to the beautiful theme found in the fourth movement of Brahms' 'First Symphony', this anthem provides an excellent opportunity to study the life and music of this great composer. The text of the a...
CGA972 Oh, Come, All Ye Faithful (Choral Score)
Intended for congregational singing, this arrangement includes a fanfare introduction and four stanzas, containing joyous harmonies and soaring descants. If desired, the handbell part can be played al...
CGA974 Fairest Lord Jesus (arr. Schalk)
This simple, yet charming arrangement of the beloved hymn tune, ST. ELIZABETH, works well when little time is available for rehearsing a new anthem! The choir sings the first and third stanzas alone w...
An intergenerational choral dialogue reveals the wonder of God's love throughout the life cycle. The piece ends with a blessing by the children as they sing, 'May there always be an angel by your side...
CGA978 Savior, Like a Shepherd Lead Us
Based on the traditional hymn, this lovely arrangement is perfect for use with adult or children's choir. The short B section also provides a chance for a solo or ensemble to participate. An optional ...
This multifaceted piece serves as the Kyrie in a liturgical service but works equally well as a general anthem in a non-liturgical format. In each case, the piece provides a number of possibilities fo...
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