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CGA984 Lift Up the Gates

Using the familiar Palm Sunday text which heralds the entry of Jesus into Jerusalem (Matthew 21: 9) with the text from Psalm 24: 7, this triumphant anthem works especially well as a call to worship. T...

CGA986 Feed My Sheep

In this tender setting from John 21, the resurrected Christ asks Peter, Do you love me' "" Christ's admonishment to ""feed my lambs and tend my sheep "" is the basis of the recurring refrain while the...

CGA988 Santo, Santo, Santo (Two- part)

This arrangement is based on a popular Argentinian text and folk tune. Using the English translation of the text, 'Holy, holy, holy, my heart adores you,' the simple, lyrical melody is first introduce...

CGA990 A Prayer for Humility (SATB)

Appropriate during Lent or any time of year, this anthem combines a thoughtful, original text with a beautiful, gentle melody. Written as a prayer, the anthem creates a mood of reflection and introspe...

CGA992 Sing to the Lord a New Song

This stately anthem is an adaptation of a mixed voice chorus found in Haydn's Missa Solemnis in B flat. Voicing: Unison with keyboard Text: Based on Psalm 95:6-7 and 96:1-2 Composer: Joseph Hayd...

CGA993 Thine Is the Glory Choral Score

This arrangement of the familiar, triumphant hymn features bells, plus optional organ, brass, choir and congregation. Options for use include bells alone, bells with organ and/or brass, bells and choi...

CGA994 Worship Leaders for Mixed Voices

This set of worship music contains two introits/call to worship, a beautifully melodic prayer response, and a stirring benediction. The four pieces are easily learned and have vocal ranges appropriate...

CGA996 Cradle Hymn

Timeless words from Isaac Watts blend a lullaby for a child of today with images of Jesus in his manger bed. The beautiful minor melody can be easily sung by a unison or two part choir with a gentle k...

CGA999 How Far Is It to Bethlehem?

This lovely arrangement of the traditional English carol highlights the beauty and wonder of the poetic text by Frances Chesterton. Although much of the anthem is written for unison voices, vocal harm...

CGAC1218 Song of the Shepherd Children (Accompaniment Track)

Accompaniment Track for CGA1218 Song of the Shepherd, by Nancy Raabe.

CGAC84 Little Grey Donkey (Accompaniment Track)

Accompaniment Track for CGA84 Little Grey Donkey, by Natalie Sleeth.

CGAC878 The Lord Is My Light (Accompaniment Track)

Accompaniment Track for CGA878 The Lord Is My Light, arranged by Michael Bedford.

CGBK25 22 Ways to Teach a Song Book

Do you want your rehearsals to be interesting - to keep a moving pace? The key is to teach your music in an interesting way! These methods may be used when teaching a song by rote or when teaching wit...

CGBK32 22 Games for Teaching Music Facts Book

"One of the best ways to teach music facts to our choir members is through the use of music games. Children will learn the most complicated of rules in order to be able to play a game, if the games ar...

CGBK48 Let's Ring Chimes and Bells

This workbook has been developed for use with beginning ringers of two octaves of either handbells or handchimes. It assumes that the director is knowledgeable in the skills of ringing, but that the p...

CGBK50 Of Primary Importance, Volume I Book

Information of special interest to directors of younger elementary choirs. In a variety of practical essays, Helen Kemp presents ideas for helping untuned singers and for enabling all children to sing...

CGBK52 The Language of Music for Children, Set II Book

Forty weekly lessons for teaching the elements of music reading to children. Puzzles, games and activities introduce music notation. Some activities are simple enough for preschoolers whoile others ar...

CGBK53 The Language of Music for Children, Set III Book

Forty weekly lessons for teaching the elements of music reading to children. Puzzles, games and activities introduce music notation. Some activities are simple enough for preschoolers whoile others ar...

CGBK62 Recruitment and Organization Problem Solver Book

A resource for those who work with children's choirs and high school youth choirs, CG's Problem Solver's Series Booklet on Recruitment & Organization gives ideas and insights into creating a successfu...

CGBK64 A Child Shall Lead Children in Worship Book

If you earnestly want to teach children about Christian worship, this book is for you. Pastors desiring to involve children more effectively in worship services; choir directors serious about making t...

CGBKMS9 Praise and Honor: Six Anthems for Unison or Two-Part Voices and Orff Ensemble

This creative collection of six anthems for treble chorus includes reproducible parts for Voices and Orff instruments. Spiral-bound for ease of use. Book includes director's score with reproducible c...

CGC13 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart for Boys and Girls

These arrangements from various sources have new texts that are meaningful for young singers. Two of the numbers have been taken from Mozart's opera 'Bastien and Bastienne', written when he was 12 yea...

CGC41 Halle, Halle We Sing the World Round Teachers Edition

This songbook contains 36 selections from Africa, Latin America, and Asia, over half of which have never been published before in the USA. In addition to full scores, and indigenous instrumental sugge...

CGC9 Bach for Boys and Girls

To celebrate the occasion, C.G. presents the Collection of Bach Anthems for Boys and Girls, arranged by Executive Director, John T. Burke. These are six pieces with new texts to several old favorites ...

CGCD35 Stepping Stones Early Childhood Level, Year 2 CD

Stepping Stones: An Ecumenical Children's Choir Curriculum is designed to integrate sequential musical education into weekly choir rehearsals. Anthems are suggested for older level, but the curriculum...

CGCD51 Again, I Say Rejoice! (Accompaniment CD)

A collection of 35 reproducible songs for Children's Church, Vacation Bible School, Sunday School, and Choir by best-selling composer Mark Burrows. Each song is meant to be learned quickly and teaches...

CGCD52 Again, I Say Rejoice! (Demo CD)

A collection of 35 reproducible songs for Children's Church, Vacation Bible School, Sunday School, and Choir by best-selling composer Mark Burrows. Each song is meant to be learned quickly and teaches...

CGCDP42 Can't Wait to Sing! 2 (CD 10-pack)

Accompaniment and Demo CD 10-pack for CGC54 Can't Wait to Sing! 2 by Mark Patterson. Arranger: Mark Patterson Additional Resources: CGC54 Can't Wait to Sing! 2 - Book and CD

CGJ9 Treble Clef Cross

This lovely pendant depicts a treble clef encompassing the cross. The pendant and chain edges are rounded for optimal comfort. 1-1/2” in length. Made of silver-plated brass. The matching 20” silver-pl...

CGMM5a Flash Cards Stepping Stones Year 1Set 1 Solfege with Rhythm

CGMM5a2 Flash Cards Stepping Stones Year 2Set 2 Solfege with Rhythm

CGMM5a3 Flash Cards Stepping Stones Year 3Set 3 Solfege with Rhythm

CGMM6a3 Flash Cards Stepping Stones Year 3Set 3 Melody

CGMM6a4 Flash Cards Stepping Stones Year 3Set 4 Melody

DLB692 Away in a Manger - Audio Download

DLB709 Carol of the Bells - Audio Download

CGA770 Each Day

Mixed voice anthem with flexible voicing options and flute focusing on providing service and love to each other every day. Voicing: Unison, SA, two part mixed, or SATB voices with keyboard and flute ...

CGA268 Take My Life and Let It Be

In this lovely two part setting the familiar hymn text is set to an original tune. Also easily done as a unison anthem. Voicing: Unison/2-Part Composer: Sam Batts Owens

CGAC1218e Song of the Shepherd Children (Digital Download Accompaniment Track)

Digital Download Accompaniment Track for CGA1218 Song of the Shepherd, by Nancy Raabe.

CGA1003 Come, Christians, Join to Sing (Unison two part SATB)

Beginning with a brief trumpet fanfare and a 'choral invitation', this dynamic hymn setting opens with the children's choir singing stanza 1. A dialogue between the mixed choir and children's choir ta...

CGA1006 Love Everlasting

Based on Romans 8:31-39, this inspiring anthem reminds us that nothing can separate us from the love of Christ. The simple, creative vocal parts are supported with a dynamic piano accompaniment that b...

CGA1007 Ring the Bells

This joyous, lively anthem announces the birth of Christ through images of ringing bells and angels filling the heavens with song. Each of the three stanzas, from the pen of notable Fanny Crosby, fini...

CGA1008 Rise Up, Shepherd, and Follow

This familiar Southern folk tune is perfect for youth choirs of all sizes and abilities. The lowered 7th that occurs in the melody gives the entire arrangement a 'blues' sound that brings a delightful...

CGA1012 Every Day and Night the Lord Is With Me

Ideal for use with children's choirs, this anthem tenderly considers the feelings of fear, weakness, and aloneness. The recurring refrain speaks of God's faithful presence in our lives that will alway...

CGA1016 That Easter Day with Joy Was Bright

This glorious arrangement of the popular hymn is useful any time during the Easter season. The choir surrounds the hymn with 'alleluias' while the organ, enhanced by finger cymbals, helps to color and...

CGA1017 How Lovely Is Your Dwelling

In this lovely anthem, the words of Psalm 84:1-4 are set to a beautiful melody by Felix Mendelssohn. The text speaks of the joy found in God's house and the inclusive welcome God gives to everyone - e...

CGA1018 Alleluia! Christ the Lord Is Risen!

Inspired by a 19th century hymn, this joyful anthem for younger children is filled with vivid nature images celebrating the risen Christ. Listen for the sound of tolling church bells imitated by the p...

CGA1019 With All I Am

The prayerful text of this elegant anthem quietly considers the eternal power of love and one's dedication to God, the source of all life and love. Throughout the piece, the two vocal parts share the ...

CGA1021 We Thank You, God, For Teachers

Based on a stirring text by Carolyn Winfrey Gillette, this anthem honors those special individuals we call 'teachers.' From teachers in the classroom to teachers at church, home and elsewhere, this te...

CGA1023 Dona Nobis Pacem

This arrangement of the traditional Latin canon may be sung by three or four part choir with any combination of voices and keyboard. A companion handbell arrangement is also available (CGB380) which m...

CGA1024 God, Who Touches Earth with Beauty

This delightful children's hymn text, set to music by Helen Kemp, celebrates the beauty of God's world. The sparkling melody and dance-like piano accompaniment highlight a variety of brillant nature i...

CGA1025 Blessed Are They

Choristers of all ages will enjoy singing this cheerful anthem based on the familiar words of Jesus known as the Beatitudes. The lilting melody in 3/4 meter can be heard both in the flute part as well...

CGA1027 Twelve Disciples in the Temple

Dignified and refined, this arrangement of the hymn tune, TOKYO, provides the musical setting for a Pentecost text written by Mary Nelson Keithahn. Use of whole tone scales and optional percussion ins...

CGA1028 To God Be the Glory

Colorful harmonies, syncopated rhythms and changing meters make this anthem especially appealing for any youth choir. The vivacious piano accompaniment and infectious, new melody bring to life the res...

CGA1032 O Blessed Church

This stirring anthem combines the voices of children, youth, and adults in a spirit of thanksgiving for the fellowship of God's people through the church. Each of the four stanzas highlights common cu...

CGA1034 There Is No Rose

This enchanting anthem, featuring an anonymous 15th century English poem honors Mary, the mother of Jesus, calling her the 'rose of such virtue.' Celebrating the birth of Jesus, the poem incorporates ...

CGA1039 Arise and Shine!

This flexible anthem provides a number of options for use with a unison or unison/two part children's choir or adult choir. The anthem's creative design also works well with choir and congregation or ...

CGA1045 Worship Leaders, Volume 2

This collection of service music for children's choirs follows the highly successful publication, Worship Leaders, Vol. I (CGA897). In this second volume, two introits (calls to worship), a Kyrie sett...

CGA1047 Alleluia! Sing to Jesus!

This majestic, festive concertato on the hymntune HYFRYDOL is designed for congregational singing, and includes optional parts for brass ensemble, timpani, organ, and SATB choir. All parts are optiona...

CGA1050 Come to Me

This setting of Matthew 11:28-30 reminds us of Christ's invitation to relinquish all that burdens our souls and find comfort in him. A solid, supportive accompaniment undergirds the accessible voice p...

CGA1053 He Comes!

Suitable for choirs of all ages, this unique Palm Sunday anthem captures the euphoric mood of that first Palm Sunday. Anticipation builds as a soloist introduces a recurring melodic theme that's echoe...

CGA1055 Sing a New Song

Younger youth choirs will especially enjoy this high-spirited anthem based on Psalm 96. Simple harmonies make the piece easy to learn and stepwise movement within the vocal parts presents a splendid o...

CGA1056 Hallelujah to the Risen Lamb!

Get ready to tap your foot, nod your head and clap your hands! This lively, upbeat arrangement of the familiar spiritual makes the body move and the spirit sing! Ideal for use during the Easter season...

CGA1057 This Is My Father's World

This glorious setting of one of hymnody's most cherished hymns beautifully showcases the timeless text by 19th century writer, Maltbie D. Babcock. The enchanting accompaniment shared by piano and orga...

CGA1058 Rock My Soul

This cool, jazzy setting of the traditional spiritual text incorporates a new melody that's full of rhythmic flair and vocal parts that are fun to sing. Strong dynamic contrasts and a snappy piano acc...

CGA1059 My Strength and Shield

This setting of Psalm 28:7 offers an excellent chance for choirs of any age to master legato singing and shaping musical phrases. The melody, written in ABA form, joins together at the end of the piec...

CGA1063 Walk in the Light SATB

Your congregation won't sit still when they hear this dynamic black gospel arrangement of the traditional hymn, Jesus, the Light of the World! Filled with joy and celebration, this anthem features an ...

CGA1064 'Twas in the Moon of Wintertime

Children's choirs adore singing and learning interesting facts about Christmas songs from other cultures. In this delightful new setting of the well-known Christmas carol, a nifty ""Did You Know?"" p...

CGA1066 May My Light Shine

Inspired by the story of the Wise Men, this simple piece for Christmas and Epiphany is ideal for children of all ages. An optional introduction for narrator, messenger and three Wise Men adds vivid im...

CGA1068 Christmas Is Here, Sing Noel

Incorporating hand claps and a bit of syncopation, this bright, upbeat anthem conveys the joyful celebration of Jesus' birth and the true meaning of Christmas. A quiet, legato middle section gives dis...

CGA1069 Mary, Mary, Rock Your Child

Especially useful for Christmas Eve services, this quiet lullaby pictures Mary as she rocks to sleep her newborn son, Jesus, the Messiah and Savior. The text also recounts the journey of shepherds and...

CGA1072 Rejoice in the Lord

The familiar text from Philippians 4, "Rejoice in the Lord always, and again I say rejoice," practically jumps off the page in this exhilarating gospel anthem for any choir of mixed voices! A gutsy, e...

CGA1077 Two Psalm Settings

Don’t miss these two outstanding psalm settings suitable for use throughout the year. The first piece, ""Majestic Your Name, O God"" features a text by Susan Cherwien based on Psalm 8. This lively, bu...

CGA1078 Come, Thou Long Expected Jesus

Warm, inviting harmonies and a beautiful new melody surround this traditional Advent text with wonder and tranquility. Each of the three stanzas, voiced in different ways, allows the familiar words of...

CGA1079 The Good Shepherd

This anthem beautifully highlights the memorable images in Psalm 23 using a unique conversation approach to communicate the message of the text. One vocal part assumes the role of the Shepherd while t...

CGA1080 We Welcome Glad Easter

Especially suited for older children's choirs, this delightful arrangement of the familiar Easter hymn abounds with cheer and exhilaration. A dance-like organ accompaniment along with a regal trumpet ...

CGA1086 Hold Fast to What Is Good

Romans 12:9-21 offers a wonderful instruction manual for Òliving life."" In this beautiful anthem, a stirring melody and simple vocal parts highlight the abiding message found in this New Testament te...

CGA1089 Thy Word Is Like a Garden, Lord

A lovely, poetic text by 19th century writer, Edwin Hodder, and additional text by Carl Schalk offer simple and poignant lessons about the Bible. Each verse employs the use of simile to describe how G...

CGA1092 This is My Father's World (Choral Score)

This choral score is a companion publication to the handbell setting by Cathy Moklebust. The tune TERRA BEATA is the basis for this flexible arrangement which includes optional parts for flute, organ,...

CGA1096 Forever We Shall Sing

Based on the lively Central American tune, ENVIADO, this flexible anthem provides a number of options for use with unison or unison/two part children's choir or adult choir. The anthem's creative desi...

CGA1098 Lumen Christi

Based on Isaiah 9:2 and John 1:5-9, this anthem recounts the story of John the Baptist and his mission to proclaim Jesus Christ as the Light of the world. Text options within the anthem allow the piec...

CGA1099 Oh, Come, Little Children

Enthusiasm permeates this arrangement of the well-known Christmas hymn inviting children one and all to celebrate the birth of Jesus. Easy to learn and memorize, the anthem's A section presents the fa...

CGA1201 Comfort Ye My People

This gospel setting of the 17th century hymn text, "Comfort Ye My People" by Johannes Olearius, is ideal for Advent services and features a spirited soprano solo.Voicing: SATB with pianoComposer: Tayl...

CGA1204 We Are Yours, Lord

We Are Yours, Lord opens with haunting vocal and piano parts, using contemporary harmonizations and subtle syncopation. The piece then settles in to its main theme, proclaiming the intent to praise Go...

CGA1206 Wren's Song

Young elementary choirs will adore this sweetly composed anthem that teaches them to see God in nature and creation. The use of alternating second and third intervals will create a musical teaching op...

CGA1207 Hosanna!

Hosanna! is an exciting anthem with strong rhythmic vocal lines, dynamic accompaniment and varying tempos throughout. The use of a 7-8 meter alternating with 6-8 time is a fun challenge for youth choi...

CGA1209 Psalm 121

A beautiful selection for older elementary choirs, this anthem combines modern harmonies with a flowing melody and timeless text. The optional second vocal part creates an echo effect that illustrates...

CGA1210 Didn't My Lord Deliver Daniel

Mark Patterson's setting of this well-known spiritual for children combines the traditional melody with an exciting second vocal line and a driving and rhythmic piano accompaniment. Children's choirs ...

CGA1211 Who Will Keep God's Lambs

John Parker's touching poetry and Dvorak's famous tune from his New World Symphony have been masterfully partnered in this anthem by Greg Gilpin. Like a lullaby, the piano embraces the flowing melody ...

CGA1212 Antiphonal Alleluia

This upbeat Easter anthem exclaims praises to the risen Christ. The piece is expertly written for two-part antiphonal voices, teaching young children how to begin to sing in parts. Repetition of text ...

CGA1218 Song of the Shepherd Children

Nancy Raabe has created a tremendously fun and exciting piece with Song of the Shepherd Children. Raabe gives choirs the chance to sing in two separate groups or all together, whatever works for the c...

CGA1219 Tell It to Jesus

This timeless hymn has been masterfully and beautifully arranged by Ken Berg. The use of an optional solo, an optional a cappella section and an absolutely gorgeous piano accompaniment make this anthe...

CGA1222 This Is the Day

This Is the Day is a simple, energetic, go-to piece for choirs looking for a celebratory song to which they can clap and stomp. Proclaiming that "this is the day that the Lord has made," the text will...

CGA1224 Christ Has Broken Down the Wall

This combination of incredibly moving text and music is ideal for today's youth choirs. Set in a gospel style, the piece reminds us that "we're accepted as we are," that "peace and love are freely off...

CGA1226 Peace I Give to You

In an uncertain world Peace I Give to You reminds us that God's peace will always remain. Taylor Davis' stunning composition uses a beautifully simple piano accompaniment, exquisite vocal harmonies an...

CGA1227 Emmanuel Will Come

This anthem, anticipating the coming of the Messiah, is written in a minor mode and uses dance-like rhythm and feel, making it a different and unique addition to your Advent services. Optional handbel...

CGA1230 Jesus Christ the Apple Tree

This poem, based on text from Song of Solomon 2:3, conveys the message that all other trees are fruitless compared to the tree of life that is Jesus Christ. Mark Patterson has taken care to arrange th...

CGA1231 Three Carols for Christmas

Earlene Rentz has arranged three Christmas carols for mixed choir voices especially useful for choirs with changing voices. The three carols can be used as a set, or for different services or even in ...

CGA1233 My Everything

The incomparable Keith Hampton has written a beautiful gospel piece full of praise and admiration for the God who is our everything. Featuring an optional solo, full choir, and a layered texture vocal...

CGA1235 When in Our Music God Is Glorified - Choral Score

When In Our Music God Is Glorified is an arrangement of the tune ENGELBERG that may be played by handbells alone, or in conjunction with organ, brass, timpani, SATB choir, and congregation. This glori...

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