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Items Found: 5319
Written beautifully for combined choirs or mixed choir and soloist, Fear Not reminds us not to be afraid, that God is with us always. Gentle and warm, the organ and SATB parts create a flowing foundat...
This gorgeous gospel setting of "Blessed Assurance" is a great way to teach a hymn in a new way. Keith Hampton has skillfully arranged the well-known text and tune with an exciting new piano accompani...
Hauntingly beautiful, this arrangement pairs the CRADLE SONG tune of Away in a Manger with a new text for Easter. The vocal lines are set in a range to help young singers develop their head voices and...
The use of simple syncopation in the vocal lines and a simple, yet meaningful Biblical text characterize this composition in the typical Nancy Raabe style. Suitable for children's choirs of any age, t...
CGA1244 Sing Alleluia to the Lord
Written especially for young singers, Sing Alleluia to the Lord is included in the ""Rote to Note"" choral series and features large-print music for young readers. The piece features a flowing B secti...
This stunningly elegant arrangement of Steal Away by Earlene Rentz is perfect for any choir of mixed voices, but has been specifically crafted for choirs with changing voices. Rentz's gift for creatin...
CGA1248 Get On Board, Little Children
Greg Gilpin has constructed an extremely charming and amusing arrangement of Get on Board, Little Children that is destined to become a favorite of your children's choir! The piece includes an upbeat ...
CGA1249 A Song of Peace Choral and Organ Score
Johnnie Carl was the orchestra conductor, arranger and orchestrator for the Crystal Cathedral Television Ministries of Robert Schuller. A Song of Peace is one of Carl's most triumphant achievements. B...
Similar to the construction of the best-seller Tunaomba Mungu Atawale by John Paradowski, Sizohamba Naye creates a fantastic opportunity for adult, youth and children's choirs to sing together. Africa...
"Shout with Joy!" is a celebratory piece lifted from Mark Patterson's Can't Wait to Sing! 2 collection. Patterson wrote this piece specifically to be used at the beginning of his choir year. There is ...
Pat Messick's exquisitely beautiful and simple Treasures in Heaven is a perfect tool to teach choirs of any age the age-old lesson of Matthew 6:19. Directors are encouraged to use this piece not only ...
CGA1253 A Mass for Treble Voices - A Prayer for Mercy
Allen Pote has written an absolutely gorgeous setting of the traditional Mass to be used with choirs of treble voices, whether they be children or women. The texts and melodies used are sophisticated ...
CGA1254 A Mass for Treble Voices - Glory to God
Allen Pote has written an absolutely gorgeous setting of the traditional Mass to be used with choirs of treble voices, whether they be children or women. The texts and melodies used are sophisticated ...
This exciting arrangement by Mark Patterson uses the typical ANTIOCH tune with a driving piano accompaniment. The arrangement may be sung in unison, or an optional second part may be added for more ad...
Triumphant and majestic in sound, this piece by Victor C. Johnson appropriately announces the coming of Jesus on Palm Sunday. Suitable for both church services and choral festivals, this piece will fi...
CGA1260 Rejoice, the Lord Is Alive
If your youth choir is scheduled to sing on Easter Sunday, this is the perfect piece for the morning. Written in a minor mode, this piece conjures up the sounds of a middle-eastern dance of celebratio...
CGA1261 Be Still, My Soul - Choral Score
"Be Still, My Soul" is one of the great hymns of the church. Lorie Line's flowing and expressive setting creates a prayerful atmosphere. This arrangement beautifully combines handbells and piano, alon...
CGA1263 Come, Ye Thankful People, Come (SATB)
This SATB version of the men's piece which was premiered at the 2011 ACDA Conference in Chicago by the ACDA Men's Honor Choir is a breathtaking composition by Jason McCoy. The traditional text of the ...
CGA1265 Sing of Mary, Pure and Lowly (Choral Score)
This strikingly beautiful hymn tune, "Raquel", was composed by Skinner Chavez-Melo in 1985. The words are those of The Very Reverend Roland F. Palmer, SSJE. This arrangement incorporates the singing b...
Sandra Eithun's arrangement of Amazing Grace was originally written as a solo song, but easily translates to a unison choir piece. The familiar "New Britain" tune is harmonized by an elegant and disti...
Sing of Colors uses the Mexican folk song De Colores, charmingly paried with the English translation of the same song. It may be sung in Spanish or English, or a combination of both. The optional seco...
CGA1272 Come and Sing a Song unto the Lord
With a brisk, bouncing piano accompaniment, a rousing tambourine part, and an unusual clarinet part, Dan Edwards' Come and Sing a Song unto the Lord will make an extraordinary addition to your choir's...
Terry D. Taylor, a constant contributor to Choristers Guild's Rote to Note choral series, has created yet another gem with Lullaby, Holy One. The traditional Polish carol has been set with a lovely pi...
CGA1279 Come, Thou Fount of Every Blessing
Victor Johnson has skillfully set the traditional hymn text to the BEACH SPRING tune, using luscious flowing piano accompaniment and gorgeous vocal harmonies. Choirs of all abilities will appreciate t...
CGA1280 Way Down Deep in My Soul
Earlene Rentz describes Way Down Deep in My Soul as the piece that gets her middle school singers excited to come to choir each week! Written in a style reminiscent of some of the most popular spiritu...
Mark A. Miller has, once again, used his gifts of piano writing, harmonization, and brilliant text writing to create the heartwarming piece that is Beloved. Your youth choir, especially, will connect ...
This adaptation of a piece originally by Mozart, Cantate Domino! will be a great addition to your traditional church service or to a festival or honor choir program. Exciting and up-tempo, this arrang...
Extremely artistic and unique, The Divine Image is a piece that your youth and adult choirs will feel fulfilled in singing. The sustained harmonies reflect our pleading to God and the way the human ra...
This anthem is suitable for any mixed-voice choir, but was written especially with middle school choirs in mind. While some cambiata parts can be written too immaturely, the composer took care to set ...
This selection by Kris Crunk and Randy Cox is unlike anything else in the Choristers Guild catalog. Artistry and creativity abound through each section of this piece. It is beautifully suited for olde...
This work has a quality quite unlike most Lenten music: it has some of the rhythmic characteristics of the ""gigue"" (a baroque dance movement in triple meter, with dotted rhythms, etc.). The piece co...
This work for Youth choir is written in a rondo form: a rhythmically strong section alternating with contrasting, flowing sections - well-suited to the interpretation of the text. The use of bongo dru...
An energetic keyboard introduction sets the mood for this jubilant anthem. The music alternates between rhythmic, syncopated phrases and legato, arching phrases. After a contrasting B section in minor...
CGA190 Benedictus Holy Jesus, Our Savior
Originally published in 1977, this top-selling anthem is now being issued in Choristers Guild's Select Voices Series. Adapted from Schubert's Mass in G, the short Latin text (taken from the account of...
This sparkling Advent anthem is set to an original melody, the text combines both original lyrics and lyrics from Charles Wesley's 'Come, Thou Long-Expected Jesus'. Easy to learn and refreshingly jubi...
CGA254 We Come, O Lord, This Day
Using only 4 bells in an ostinato pattern based on the opening melody of the anthem, Michael Bedford has fashioned a very exciting piece that is easy to learn and perform. The use of a great deal of t...
Perfect for Mother's Day, this anthem is easy to sing, and the text expresses what families are all about. The range is most comfortable for children. Voicing: Unison Composer: Natalie Sleeth Tex...
CGA354 Go Now to Love and Serve the Lord
This benediction text works well as an anthem, or in the suggested shortened form, for a benediction response. It is useful not only for children, but any other age group as well. The addition of hand...
CGA358 Prayer for Today Unison
This timely text should be most helpful in making children conscious of the children in other countries, as well as our own, who live with strife, hunger, anxiety and pain. It is a serious song with a...
CGA391 Body, Mind, Spirit, Voice
Taking for her inspiration the refrain used by Helen Kemp in her presentation on children's choir methods, Sue Ellen Page has composed an effective setting with additional text by her husband, Eric. T...
CGA392 Praise, Rejoice and Sing
The second in the Helen Kemp Festival Series, with its two flute descants captures the spirit of praise with a flowing rhythmic setting that carries the melodic quality of the piece with naturalness a...
Though it begins with a phrase from the 150th Psalm, the text of this anthem is about the creation story in Genesis. The long lyric phrases are excellent for teaching phrasing and breath control. The ...
CGA423 Hallelujah Round of Praise
Though identified as a Unison/SAB anthem, this setting of a Mozart round can be done with great flexibility, and would make a fine combined choir anthem. The easy sing ability of the vocal line will m...
In the wake of Jane's highly successful 'Psalms Together', we are proud to add to CG Psalm-settings this fine setting of Psalm 98. The use of cantor or children's choir in combination with adult choir...
This classic anthem has remained one of Choristers Guild's best selling anthems for over 20 years. Based on John 3:16, the anthem's long, legato melody beautifully underscores the eternal message of G...
CGA495 Children of the Covenant
This fresh new anthem by Sue Ellen Page is written for unison voices with organ. Registration suggestions are given, and the organ accompaniment will effectively help convey the mood and communicate t...
This anthem tells the dramatic story of the day of Pentecost as found in Acts 2. The original music by Jayne Southwick Cool is written for unison voices with keyboard. Voicing: Unison with piano/key...
Directors of small choirs of teenage singers will find this anthem to be of special interest, for it was written for exactly this kind of group. The piece calls for two-part mixed voices with congrega...
CGA540 Songs and Seasons Seasonal Anthems
Directors of young choirs will find this mini-collection of pieces especially useful. Songs and Seasons contains short anthems for various seasons of the church year. Voicing: Unison with keyboard a...
This anthem is appropriate for Lent or General use; the text incorporates John 3: 14-16. Voicing: Unison with optional flute and organ Composer: Ralph M. Johnson Text: Ralph M. Johnson Season: Len...
Christmas Stars' is also part of the 'Of Primary Importance, Volume II' anthem series. Helen Kemp's teaching suggestions found in 'Of Primary Importance, Volume II', will be very helpful in both study...
CGA558 For the Beauty of the Earth
Here is an opportunity for children to learn one of the 'standard' hymns of the church, which they can sing for years to come. This arrangement of the hymntune, 'Dix', is for unison voices with organ....
John Horman has incorporated the well-known words of Choristers Guild founder, Ruth Krehbiel Jacobs, in this inspiring anthem for unison/two part voices with piano. The text provides wonderful food fo...
CGA567 How Can I Keep from Singing
This expressive anthem for SATB voices with piano, based on a traditional American tune, is appropriate for either youth or adult choirs. Voicing: SATB Composer: Traditional American Arranger: Je...
CGA571 People, Look East Instrumental Parts
Instrumental Parts for CGA505. Voicing: Flute, oboe, clarinet, orchestral bells Composer: Traditional French tune Arranger: Tom Mitchell
CGA595 A German Christmas Choral Bell Score
This medley of five traditional Christmas carols is written for handbells with voices or instruments. Several performance options make this a very versatile piece. Voicing: handbells and SATB voices;...
A sensitive, lyrical setting of Psalm 139 for SATB voices and piano. In the common Lectionary, Psalm 139 is listed for Year C Proper 10 (1-12), and C Proper 11 (13-18). Voicing: SATB with piano Co...
CGA626 Oh, Sleep, My Dear Little Baby
Part of the We Sing The World Round series, this charmingly simple setting of a traditional Hispanic Christmas lullaby is written for unison/two part voices with keyboard or guitar. Both English and S...
CGA627 The Virgin Mary Had a Baby Boy
This anthem is another in the We Sing The World Round series. It is an energetic, calypso-style Christmas carol from the West Indies arranged for unison/two part voices and keyboard. Voicing: Unison...
CGA629 See the Glowing Star Song of the Wise Men
We are delighted to introduce another anthem in the We Sing The World Round series. This lively Puerto Rican carol is arranged by Helen Kemp for unison voices with keyboard and percussion. The arrange...
CGA637 Dear Lord, Lead Me Day by Day
From Jane Marshall comes a fresh and musically appealing setting of a Philippine folk melody, another addition to the We Sing the World Round Series. This gentle, lyrical anthem is scored for unison v...
CGA638 Song of Hope Canto de Esperanza
Here is another anthem in the We Sing the World Round Series. Vitality abounds in this setting of a spirited tune from Argentina. Both English and Spanish texts are included. Voicing: Unison Compos...
CGA640 Oh, Sing to the Lord Cantad al Senor
Another addition to the We Sing The World Round Series, this spirited anthem by Harriet Ziegenhals is based on a Brazilian folk song. Both English and Spanish text translations are provided. Voicing...
This happy anthem, based on a traditional Hispanic melody, I part of the We Sing the World Round Series. The use of rain stick is particularly effective, and is encouraged if at all possible. If avail...
A traditional Austrian carol is the basis for this joyful Christmas anthem for two-part treble voices with keyboard. Part of the We Sing the World Round series. Voicing: Two-part treble voices with ...
This lilting anthem is the Combined Choirs series which gives children's and adult (or teenage SATB) choirs the chance to sing together in celebration of Jesus' birth. (Print on Demand) Voicing: SATB...
CGA671 Higher Than the Heavens
A flowing, lyrical setting of Psalms 108: 1-6 for unison choir with organ and optional congregation. This anthem was premiered at the Lutheran service and also used as one of the psalms for the closin...
A joyous unison anthem with a few optional second part notes. Voicing: Unison and piano Composer: Miller, John D. Text: John D. Miller Season: General, Thanksgiving
A set of two delightful, original pieces which are performed with rainstick(s). The titles are 'You Are the Rain' (A Hymn to God) and 'Living Rain'. Both texts and music are by Royce Hubert. 'Living R...
This piece provides the opportunity for teenage (or adult) choirs to sing music of another period. In this SATB anthem, Elwood Coggin has arranged the music of composer Guiseppe-Ercole Bernabei, 1620-...
A joyful "partner song" anthem. The two independent, singable melodies are first introduced separately, and then are joined together for a delightful ending. A good anthem for building confidence in e...
CGA736 Let All the Gates Be Opened Wide
This is a very flexible addition to the choral library, as it may be sung by treble or mixed voices (unison or two part) for Palm Sunday, Advent, or General use. This celebrative anthem combines brigh...
All voices begin in unison, and once the melody is well-established, later divide into two parts. The thought provoking Russian text translated by Geoffrey Dearmer will provide a good opportunity for ...
This meaningful anthem helps children understand the events of the Garden of Gethsemane and the pain that Jesus felt as he was rejected and betrayed. The anthem is mostly unison with some optional div...
A rocking motion is felt throughout this lullaby, characteristic of its title and text. The use of sequence and stepwise motion make the melody very singable. All voices sing the beginning in unison, ...
The voicing options for this piece are extensive, giving a great deal of flexibility in its use. The piece was written for a middle school choir, and it is very successful with this age. Voicing: Un...
CGA758 The Wise May Bring Their Learning
A strong melody provides the basis for this flowing, tender anthem based on a traditional text. The piece begins with voices and keyboard; the optional flute obbligato is added in the second half of t...
CGA762 Lord, O Lord, Your Name Is Wonderful
Hal Hopson gives us an original setting of his paraphrase of Psalms 8. There is a feeling of delight in the lyrical melody. The stepwise motion and use of sequence helps to make the piece both singabl...
Joy resounds in this sparkling anthem based on the traditional Sussex Carol. The keyboard part radiates delight, and the optional bells add even more brilliance to the accompaniment. Voicing: Unison...
Based on a Korean folk tune, the delightful Oriental flavor gives the piece a unique charm. It may be performed in a variety of ways: (1) voices and piano, (2) voices, piano and untuned percussion, (3...
Joy abounds in this musical interpretation of Psalm 100. A more reflective B section in minor provides good contrast before the return to the original material. Voicing: Unison with optional flute C...
Set in a spirited 6/8 meter, this bright anthem of praise offers the opportunity for antiphonal singing between two parts or choirs. Psalm 100 is the basis for the text Voicing: Two part voices with...
This anthem was commissioned for the middle school choir at the Montreat Conference on Worship and Music. The lovely recurring melodic theme combines with very accessible vocal parts to make the anthe...
This anthem incorporates the traditional Shaker tune, "Simple Gifts," and combines it with an original melody. The two melodies are first sung separately, then together in a two part texture. The piec...
CGA776 Oh, Come, Singing Joyfully
Praise, thanksgiving and service are the themes of this lovely song by Robert J. Powell. Using the text Psalm 95 the composer reminds us the importance of serving the God of Love. Voicing: Unison/...
The music of this delightful anthem was written when Mozart was eight years old! Arranger Hal Hopson has provided information about Mozart, which is printed on the inside over of the piece. The anthem...
CGA782 Now Paul, He Was a Servant
This ballad-like anthem tells the story of Paul and focuses on what he learned about the Lord's ever-present care through his experiences. The anthem then reminds us that we, too, are servants of the ...
CGA785 Led by a Brilliant Light
This upbeat seasonal piece is sure to become a favorite of those who sing it. Ostinati patterns and the flute part are included and, when used, make the piece sparkle. The piano accompaniment effectiv...
CGA79 A Canon of Praise (Choral Full Score)
This original work by Natalie Sleeth remains one of Choristers Guild's best selling anthems. Treble choirs as well as mixed voice choirs (SAB) greatly enjoy this beautifully-crafted piece filled with ...
CGA796 Since I Laid My Burden Down
The arrangement of this traditional melody is written in gospel style. The anthem is great for beginning part singing with writing that is solid and very accessible to middle, junior and senior high c...
CGA797 O Little Town of Bethlehem SATB
A lovely new melody is presented here for the well-loved Christmas text by Phillips Brooks. A single melodic line (optional male solo) introduces the theme, followed by warm two and four-part writing....
Appropriate for general use, church anniversary, missions or ministry emphasis, this anthem bears repeating at various times during the year. A recurring refrain allows for involvement of multiple cho...
A joyful melody is combined with a meaningful original text reminding us that all of God's people have gifts. We are challenged to share our talents, and to offer thanks to God for the many gifts we h...
CGA807 The Time for Singing Has Come
The substantive text, by Brian Wren, suggests that all occasions are times for singing. Each stanza ends with the refrain: 'The time for singing has come!' The uplifting music is mostly unison, with a...
The first three stanzas of this text recall the stories of three mothers who love their children enough to let them go: Jochebed (Exodus 2: 1-10 and 6: 20), Hannah (1 Samuel 1), and Mary (Luke 2). The...
Pie Jesu' is a piece for two-part children's choir with either piano or orchestral accompaniment. While the instrumentation obviously enhances the attractiveness of this composition, it stands alone w...
Strings part to accompany CGA814 Pie Jesu, a piece for two-part children's choir with either piano or orchestral accompaniment. While the instrumentation obviously enhances the attractiveness of this ...
Based on Psalm 117, this anthem is a proclamation of God's loving kindness and eternal truth which leads to our response in worship and praise. Structured in an ABA form, the anthem is an accessible p...
Commissioned for the dedication of a new church sanctuary, "Look Around!" celebrates all worship spaces and the spiritual symbols that enrich them. In this anthem, the children's choir has a wonderful...
CGA826 Carol of the Holy Family
This anthem has several unique features. The text is that of the incarnation and makes its point by asking questions of Mary, Joseph, and Jesus. Joseph is sometimes forgotten in the Christmas story an...
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