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CGA830 The Song of My Soul

An energetic praise anthem in a contemporary style. The SATB voicing is mostly unison and two-part with four-part at the cadences. Great for starting the choir year. Excellent for use as a call to wor...

CGA832 All Praise to You We Sing

This prayer of praise and thanksgiving for the beauty of all creation speaks of the richness of diversity and the wonder of God's love. This melodic anthem is designed for two part of unison voices wi...

CGA837 He Is Born

Originally created as a processional for multiple choirs, this well-known French carol can also be performed as a concert selection with many different combinations of voicing and instrumental accompa...

CGA842 Let All the World Sing Praise

Four pieces written with the primary age choir in mind. A fanfare-like opening sets the stage for the 'title piece' in the collection, 'Let All the World Sing Praise'. It is a bright, majestic anthem ...

CGA846 Psalms of Praise

This joyful, lilting anthem is based on a composite text from Psalm 66, Psalm 113, and Psalm 33. The two choirs sing antiphonally and then join together for the powerful conclusion of the piece. 'Make...

CGA849 Lord, I Hear You Callin'

James E. Clemens with an original text and music offers an exciting musical experience for youth choir. In fact, adult choirs may be clamoring to sing this anthem after hearing the youth choir sing it...

CGA852 How Can I Keep From Singing?

Three stanzas of the Quaker Hymn, "How Can I Keep from Singing'' by Robert Lowry, are set in a ballad-like style in triple meter. The keyboard accompaniment not only supports the voices but also paint...

CGA854 Singing the Seasons

This publication is a set of seven short anthems for the seasons of the church year. Included are anthems for Advent, Christmas, Epiphany, Lent, Palm Sunday, Easter, and Pentecost. The pieces are acce...

CGA855 Prayer for Today SATB version

Michael Kemp arranged this SATB version of the popular Margaret Tucker anthem (CGA358). It is accessible and inspirational for both youth and adult choirs and unique in its message of caring for those...

CGA856 Jesus, Come to Us

This lovely anthem is a great addition to any service, as its text affirms our need for Jesus to enter our lives. Voicing: Three part with 5 handbells or handchimes (2 octaves) Composer: James E. ...

CGA867 I Will Praise You, O Lord

This anthem features an unforgettable melody, propelled by gentle syncopation. The optional descant is easy to teach and will help younger choirs begin to make the transition to two-part music. The te...

CGA870 Advent Joy

Please note that the audio sample above was informally recorded in the Choristers Guild offices for melody/accompaniment demonstration purposes only. No actual demo recording or accompaniment track is...

CGA882 God Has Come to Every Nation

Based on a traditional Hasidic melody, this anthem provides an opportunity for the study of sacred music from the Hebrew culture. Although composed for two-part choir, this piece works well when the m...

CGA889 All the Earth Sing Forth

This anthem, a paraphrase of Psalm 150, may be used in a variety of ways: unison children's choir; unison adult choir; or a combination of both children's and adult choirs. Arranged from a chorus in t...

CGA892 Jesus Christ Is Born

A delightful pentatonic melody in 6/8 meter captures the joyful message, Jesus Christ is born! The text highlights the familiar events and characters associated with the birth of Jesus. The piece has ...

CGA897 Worship Leaders

A collection of four short pieces for use in worship. The collection contains two introits, a prayer response, and a benediction. Each can be quickly learned; echo-parts and descants help developing c...

CGA899 Joyful, Joyful, We Adore Thee

Images of nature expounding in praise set the backdrop for this most beloved hymn. In this 4-stanza setting, choir, congregation, and instrumentalists alike find an opportunity to offer their praise i...

CGA902 Rejoice, Praises Render (Auf, freue dich Seele) Choral Score

This work, from the Easter cantata, 'Denn du wirst meine Seele' was written by J. L. Bach, a distant cousin of J. S. Bach. Originally scored for soprano solo, strings, and continuo, this edition provi...

CGA904 The King of Love My Shepherd Is

This beautiful arrangement of the beloved hymn creatively expresses the reassuring message of God's eternal presence with us. The children's choir sings stanzas one and two accompanied by the oboe and...

CGA906 Alleluia! Sing, Christ Is Risen

This delightful new anthem gives young singers the opportunity to share the joy of Christ's resurrection. The lilting 6/8 meter, careful voice leading, and joyful text make this song a treat to teach ...

CGA909 When Jesus Christ Came Down to Earth

This beautiful anthem, set to the traditional English folk melody "O Waly Waly," tells the story of Jesus' life here on earth and encourages all who seek Christ to follow him day by day. Voicing: Un...

CGA910 All Things Bright and Beautiful (arr. Ferguson)

Cecil Francis Alexander's cheerful text and the traditional English tune to which it is usually sung lend themselves to a refreshing and enjoyable concertato accessible for even a small choir. The cho...

CGA911 Lord, Now You Let Your Servant Go in Peace

This lyrical setting of the Song of Simeon (Luke 2: 29-32) conveys the confidence and joy of Simeon in the temple on seeing the fulfillment of salvation in the Christ child. The fluid motion of the pi...

CGA912 Sing When the Spirit Says Sing

Arranged for treble choir and piano, this 'bluesy' version of the traditional spiritual provides a refreshing and interesting setting of moderate difficulty. Simple descants accompany the swing-rhythm...

CGA917 O Come, O Come, Emmanuel

Written for flexible use, this new setting of the traditional hymn will enhance any Advent service as choir and congregation sing together the familiar text. Optional handbells and oboe (or flute) dre...

CGA918 When Christ Was Born: Three Pieces for Advent, Christmas and Epiph

This delightful trilogy of pieces is written for use during the Christmas season. The pieces may be performed individually or as a short mini-presentation incorporating a brief drama sketch between th...

CGA919 Candlelight, Burning Bright

Cherished childhood, family memories often include singing at the Christmas Eve candlelight service, a magical ritual that has endured for generations. This charming, new composition is perfect for su...

CGA924 Bring a Torch, Jeannette, Isabella (Two-part)

The 17th-century origin of this sprightly Provencal carol is announced by hand drum, triangle, and ornamented drone keyboard accompaniment to a flute solo. The first stanza is unison with light keyboa...

CGA928 May the Road Rise to Meet You

This lovely new setting of the traditional Irish blessing combines together with verses from Psalm 34 and 46 reminding us that when we call for help, God hears us and remains with us in times of troub...

CGA933 Let All the Peoples Praise You, O God

This piece was written with middle school unchanged voices in mind. Syncopated rhythms and calypso elements in the refrain drive the piece forward while quiet, meditative verses offer contrast. The fr...

CGA934 I Believe in the Sun

This anthem is based on a poignant, anonymous text found written on the wall of a cave near Cologne, Germany, where Jews hid during World War II. The text expresses deep faith in God's abiding presenc...

CGA937 We Know Our God Is Faithful

This piece was commissioned by Choristers Guild in memory of the children affected by the American tragedy on September 11, 2001. Appropriate for Christian and interfaith setting, this anthem for unis...

CGA938 Too Splendid for Speech but Ripe for a Song Full Score

Using Thomas Troeger's text based on Psalm 98, this anthem for intergenerational choirs (children, middle school, high school, and adults) repeatedly employs musical motives of the hymn tune AZMON and...

CGA940 We Will Stand as Strong, Tall Towers

This piece was commissioned by Choristers Guild as a tribute to all youth affected by the American tragedy on September 11, 2001. The text, written by R.G. Huff, provides comfort and reassurance that ...

CGA943 On Easter Morning

In this glorious, festive piece, the 'sun rises, birds sing, bees swarm, wind blows, leaves rustle and roses open' as the chorus of nature awakens on Easter morning and sings of resurrection and new l...

CGA945 There Is a Time

This piece, using the well-known text from Ecclesiastes 3, opens with a quiet, reflective clarinet solo (piano optional). The choir joins in a soft, slow version of the melody that soon gives way to a...

CGA952 If You Love Me

Written with flexible voicing for youth choirs, this beautiful, new anthem employs a lyrical melody to issue the challenge Jesus gave to his disciples in John 14: 'If you love me, keep my commandments...

CGA957 How Can I Give You Thanks?

Utilizing a beautiful unison melodic line, this simple, yet thought-provoking anthem ponders the wonder and beauty of God's creation, asking the question, 'How can I give you thanks, O Lord, when you ...

CGA959 Praise Our God Above

Similar to McRae's 'Oh, Sing to the Lord' (CGA951), this set of three pieces celebrates a rich diversity of ethnic music. Contents of this set include: a Chinese harvest hymn, a Polish Christmas carol...

CGA961 Away in a Manger Unison

This gentle, thoughtful arrangement of the traditional carol provides an excellent opportunity for children and congregations to learn the beautiful and sometimes less familiar hymn tune for this caro...

CGA963 Prepare the Way of the Lord

This anthem takes familiar prophetic lines from Isaiah 40:3 and intersperses them with a shortened version of the text found in the first stanza of the well-known Advent hymn, "O Come, O Come, Emmanue...

CGA964 Come, All Ye Shepherds

This festive anthem will make a joyous addition to any Christmas program or worship service. The lively accompaniment and joyful melody join together with a traditional 19th century text to create a m...

CGA965 Ring the Bells of Christmas

Although written for early elementary singers, this joyful Christmas anthem is also very appropriate for older elementary singers as well. This piece reflects all the trademarks of Hopson's music for ...

CGA969 Sweet Chariot

Both youth and adult choirs will find this beautiful, new arrangement of the traditional spiritual, 'Swing Low, Sweet Chariot' a joy to learn and sing. Lush harmonies and use of creative expressive ma...

CGA973 Will You Be Ready?

This anthem, from the highly acclaimed musical, Light of the World (CGC47), begins with the words of prophecy from Isaiah and then asks, 'Will you be ready for the Light'' The optional second part is ...

CGA975 O God, Our Help in Ages Past Full Score

In this anthem, the familiar Isaac Watts text is set to new music written by Anna Laura Page. Filled with power and energy, the anthem opens with a fanfare introduction incorporating choir and all ins...

CGA976 O God, Our Help in Ages Past Choral Score

In this anthem, the familiar Isaac Watts text is set to new music written by Anna Laura Page. Filled with power and energy, the anthem opens with a fanfare introduction incorporating choir and all ins...

CGA979 Jesus Walked This Lonesome Valley

Especially useful during the season of Lent, this arrangement of the traditional spiritual incorporates a creative use of dynamics and expression markings that effectively express the message of the s...

CGA981 The Lord Is My Light and My Salvation Choral (Full Score)

This stately setting of Psalm 27 includes a simple refrain that offers the congregation an opportunity to join the choir in singing the anthem while the verses of the Psalm are beautifully interpreted...

CGA982 I Heard a Song

Written in the verbal and musical language of very young children, this anthem may be sung by younger and/or older elementary children combined with adult choir. The two choirs share singing responsib...

CGA985 Hosanna Hosanna And Joyful Easter Day

This set of two pieces provides a perfect opportunity for younger singers to share in both Palm Sunday and Easter celebrations. 1. 'Hosanna! Hosanna!' is an energetic anthem announcing Christ's triump...

CGA987 Tomorrow Shall Be My Dancing Day

Tomorrow Shall Be My Dancing Day' has long been a favorite Christmas text depicting Jesus as a dancer, calling his followers ('my true love') to the dance. This setting makes use of the traditional En...

CGA989 A Prayer for Humility (Unison)

Appropriate during Lent or any time of year, this anthem combines a thoughtful, original text with a beautiful, gentle melody. Written as a prayer, the anthem creates a mood of reflection and introspe...

CGA998 Wayfarin' Stranger

This setting of the well-known spiritual is an excellent tool for teaching the concept of long, arching melodic lines. Basses have the opportunity to polish their melodic skills in the second stanza a...

CGA1040 Sing a Song of Advent

Choir and congregation join together in this Advent anthem to remember the prophetic words of ancient prophets and John the Baptist about the coming Messiah. The optional flute and handbell parts prov...

CGA844 Rejoice in the Lord

This setting of Philippians 4:4-6 is a wonderful way to begin the choir season for primary choirs. The anthem is easy to sing and learn and it has a rhythmic lilt that children will enjoy. Voicing: ...

CGIN1 Contemplation

Perfect for a Sunday morning prelude or a lovely, quiet change of pace in a concert setting, Karen Lakey Buckwalter’s original composition, Contemplation, is a meditative piece featuring a lyrical and...

CGA586 We Name You in Joy

Dorothy Christopherson's expressive anthem will be a meaningful addition to services of baptism. The piece is written for two part treble or mixed voices with flute and keyboard. The original text com...

CGA458 Hail to the Lord's Anointed

This youth choir anthem composed for our new Heritage of Hymns Series II is written with that rhythmic verve and contemporary style so winning and attractive to today's young singers. Through the hymn...

CGMM5a4 Flash Cards Stepping Stones Year 3Set 4 Solfege with Rhythm

CGIN2 Day by Day (Harp Score)

"Day by Day" is one of 600 hymns by lyricist, Karolina Sandell-Berg (a celebrated Swedish author of Gospel hymn texts) and composer, Oskar Ahnfelt (a Scandanavian guitarist from the 1800s). Found in s...

CGA895 I Will Trust in God

This partner song expresses from a child's point of view a commitment to trust in God. Phrases such as 'when I'm falling' and 'when I'm lost' speak of real-life concerns that children experience. The ...

CGA1002 Nations, Hear the Prophet's Word All Creation, Clap Your Hands

Your choice of two texts for Advent and/or Epiphany offer a way to lead into and out of the Christmas season. Set to the familiar melody "Tempus Adest Floridum" ('Good King Wenceslas'), this accessibl...

CGA851 Share the Easter Joy

Use this festive anthem on Easter Sunday or any of the Sundays immediately following Easter. Consider using the anthem as a 'sending forth' at the end of a service. The optional descant is learned wit...

CGA872 Let Us Go to the House of the Lord

Let Us Go to the House of the Lord' incorporates texts from Psalms 122, 100 and 84 in a unison anthem with optional two-part at the end of the piece. The opening section can be done as a solo, or by d...

CGA198 The King of Glory

Here we have a practical setting of the familiar hymn tune TRURO that combines children's and adult choirs. The text is based on Psalm 24 and is equally suitable for use during the Advent season or on...

CGA209 Go Into the World

Go Into the World is the first SAB anthem that Natalie Sleeth has contributed to the Choristers Guild catalog. While SAB performance is the preferred voicing, the work has been written in a very flexi...

CGA281 The Good Samaritan

This dramatic setting of the story Christ told about the Good Samaritan has been set by John Horman in a very interesting manner. First, all of the two-part writing is canonic. Secondly, the highly re...

CGA296 The Lion and the Lamb

Natalie Sleeth's charming 'The Lion and the Lamb' is the perfect piece for your choir. It is simple enough for small singers, has imagery that appeals to them and is flexibly composed so that with sma...

CGA308 The Lost Sheep

This New Testament anthem tells the story of the 'The Lost Sheep'. Horman has told the story in his own words with a wistful quality that should be most appealing to children. The rich full harmonies ...

CGA309 Welcome the Babe

Natalie Sleeth has written a very easily learned Christmas anthem for primary aged children. The many repetitions make for easy learning and memorization. She has written a text that progressively mov...

CGIN3 As Rain from the Clouds (Harp)

As Rain From the Clouds, a hymn found in the Evangelical Lutheran Worship hymnal, has been arranged by Karen Buckwalter, for 3-5 octaves of handbells alone, harp alone or handbells and harp together. ...

CGBKMS23 Part-Singing Global Style: Teacher Edition

Part-Singing: Global Style (Teacher Edition) provides singers and choir directors alike opportunities to experience, explore, and perform music from around the world. It contains creative, yet practic...

CGBKMS24 Hymns for Handbells: Reproducible Accompaniments and Settings

This compilation of reproducible hymn accompaniments and settings for handbells and various combinations of voices and instruments is offered as a resource of sequential ringing experiences for beginn...

CGIN5 Hymns of Praise - Piano/Rhythm

Arrangements for Solo Instrument to Full Orchestra Flexible for any number or combination of instruments with piano or orchestrated accompaniment CD Hymns of Praise is designed to allow for maximum f...

CGIN6 Hymns of Praise - Flute(s)

Arrangements for Solo Instrument to Full Orchestra Flexible for any number or combination of instruments with piano or orchestrated accompaniment CD Hymns of Praise is designed to allow for maximum f...

CGIN7 Hymns of Praise - Oboe

Arrangements for Solo Instrument to Full Orchestra Flexible for any number or combination of instruments with piano or orchestrated accompaniment CD Hymns of Praise is designed to allow for maximum f...

CGIN8 Hymns of Praise - Bb Clarinet(s)

Arrangements for Solo Instrument to Full Orchestra Flexible for any number or combination of instruments with piano or orchestrated accompaniment CD Hymns of Praise is designed to allow for maximum f...

CGA701 I Want Jesus to Walk With Me

From the pen of Hal Hopson comes a moving arrangement of a haunting African-American Spiritual. Voicing: Two-part with piano Arranger: Hal H. Hopson Text: African American Spiritual Season: Chr...

CGA156 Like As a Father

An exciting arrangement of a well known bread and butter anthem. Voicing: 3 part canon for children's and adult choirs Scripture: Psalm 103:13 Composer: Luigi Cherubini (1760-1842) Arranger: A...

CGIN20 Love Vast as the Ocean (harp version)

The tune DIM OND JESU by Welsh-American composer Robert Lowry appeared in older Welsh hymnals paired with the text, "Praise the Lord, ye heav'ns adore Him." Sometime in the early 1900's, it was also p...

CGA554 We Come With Joy

From the pen of John Erickson comes a new set of service music for young singers. The set contains a call to worship, a prayer response, and a benediction, all for unison voices with organ. These shor...

CGA997 Arise, Shine, Jesus Has Come

This joyful anthem captures the excitement and wonder of the shepherds as they learned of Christ's birth. A trumpet-like fanfare in the piano sets the stage for the lilting 6/8 melody, as young voices...

CGA954 Magnificat and Nunc Dimittis

The 'Magnificat and Nunc Dimitis' come to life in two memorable Biblical scenes: (1) Young Mary, visiting her older cousin, Elizabeth, sings of her great joy to be the mother of the Christ Child. (2) ...

CGA84 Little Grey Donkey

Ideal for primary-age choirs, this unique Palm Sunday anthem uses repetition and step-wise motion for easy learning and memorization. The use of a minor mode, the notation, and the text create many mu...

CGCD36 Of Primary Importance, Volume I CD

Demonstration and Accompaniment tracks of eight anthems from CGBK50 Of Primary Importance - Volume 1 by Helen Kemp Produced by: Jody Lindh and JoeCox Anthems: Come, Let Us Sing (CGA478) A Song of ...

CGBKMS5 Come to Bethlehem (Five Carols for Choir and Orff Instruments)

This set of songs, designed for children's choirs, includes study guides for teaching each piece. The wide range of performance options uses Orff and percussion instruments, which may also be played b...

CGA355 I Never Touched a Rainbow

This moving and expressive anthem uses hand signs for the deaf to enhance not only the understanding of the text, but also to add another dimension to the composition. The obbligato part for flute or ...

CGA485 Jesus' Hands Were Kind Hands

This unison anthem was written with younger elementary choirs in mind. The flute descant on the second stanza adds charm and variety. Many helpful study and teaching suggestions for the piece are prov...

CGA501 How Lovely Are the Messengers

Elwood Coggin offers us an arrangement of music by Felix Mendelssohn for SAB voices and keyboard. Directors may wish to have a few tenors double portions of the alto line which lie somewhat low in the...

CGA561 I Give You Thanks

From the 'Of Primary Importance, Volume II Anthem Series', here is another winner! Jody W. Lindh has combined an easy vocal line with an exuberant accompaniment to create an energetic yet accessible a...

CGA611 Carol of Creation

This exuberant piece for unison/two part voices with keyboard and percussion will be a favorite to sing. The rhythmic vitality is combined with a fresh new text, making for a memorable anthem. Voici...

CGA689 Cantate Domino

A spritely anthem of joy. The text offers a very accessible exposure to Latin, with its alternating phrases in Latin and English. The anthem is mostly unison with limited two parts that are written in...

CGA697 O Bright and Morning Star

A flexible unison anthem which may be sung antiphonally between two groups or choirs if desired. A portion of the anthem is based on the chorale tune "Jesus Meine Zuversicht" by Johann Cruger (1598-16...

CGA702 I Wonder Why

This memorable, calypso-like anthem reflects on the miracle of Christmas, and the wondrous gift which was given for each of us. Voicing: Unison/2-part Composer: Peter L. Nelson Arranger: Ronald A. ...

CGA710 Hear the Lark Christ the Lord Is Risen

Two different texts are provided for this joyous and uplifting piece. The first, 'Hear the Lark', would be appropriate for the school market. The second text is a sacred Easter text, 'Christ the Lord ...

CGA715 Spirit, Wind Upon the Waters

Based on a text by Rusty Edwards, this anthem focuses on the Spirit of God which, in the form of wind swept over the face of the waters while the earth was still a formless void. The anthem speaks of ...

CGA733 Praise the Goodness of God

Another winner from the pen of Allen Pote! This joyous anthem based on Psalm 145 was commissioned for a Youth Choir Festival by the Dallas Chapter of Choristers Guild. Voicing: STAB voices with keybo...

CGA791 Psalm 150 SATB

This SATB version of Psalm 150 will be a fine addition to the youth or adult choir library. The music is wonderfully wedded with the text, portraying the ideas of the psalm most effectively. Voicing...

CGA877 Life Unfolding

An intergenerational choral dialogue reveals the wonder of God's love throughout the life cycle. The piece ends with a blessing by the children as they sing, 'May there always be an angel by your side...

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