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Items Found: 5337
CGAC1504 Mungu ni Mwema with God Is So Good (Accompaniment Track)
Accompaniment Track for CGA1504 Mungu ni Mwema with God Is So Good, by Mark Burrows. CD includes Accompaniment Track recording and Demo recording.
CGAC1505 Sombody's Talkin' 'bout Jesus Accompaniment Track
Accompaniment Track for CGA1505 Somebody's Talkin' 'bout Jesus, by Terry D. Taylor. CD includes Accompaniment Track recording and Demo recording.
CGAC1506 Children of the God Who Made Us (Accompaniment Track)
Accompaniment Track for CGA1506 Children of the God Who Made Us, by Hal H. Hopson. CD includes Accompaniment Track recording and Demo recording.
CGAC1507 Come with a Greatful Heart (Accompaniment Track)
Accompaniment Track for CGA1507 Come with a Greatful Heart, by Lynn Shaw Bailey and Becki Slagle Mayo. CD includes Accompaniment Track recording and Demo recording.
CGAC1508 Dona Nobis Pacem with I've Got Peace like a River (Accompaniment Track)
Accompaniment Track for CGA1508 Dona Nobis Pacem with I've Got Peace like a River, by Frances T. Sinclair. CD includes Accompaniment Track recording and Demo recording.
CGAC1514 Noel (Accompaniment Track)
Accompaniment Track for CGA1514 Noel!, by Matthew Armstrong. CD includes Accompaniment Track recording and Demo recording.
CGAC1581 The Heavens Are Telling (Accompaniment Track)
Accompaniment Track for CGA1581 The Heavens Are Telling by Mark Patterson. CD includes Accompaniment Track recording and Demo recording. This jubilant, grand anthem for SAB voices proclaims the maje...
CGAC1580 My Faith Looks Up to Thee (Accompaniment Track)
Accompaniment Track for CGA1580 My Faith Looks Up to Thee by Brian L. Hanson. CD includes Accompaniment Track recording and Demo recording. SATB choirs will love the expressive choral writing of arr...
CGAC1579 What Wondrous Love Is This (Accompaniment Track)
Accompaniment Track for CGA1579 What Wondrous Love Is This by Brian L. Hanson. CD includes Accompaniment Track recording and Demo recording. This arrangement of WONDROUS LOVE makes a thoughtful addi...
CGAC1576 Where Cross the Crowded Ways of Life (Accompaniment Track)
Accompaniment Track for CGA1576 Where Cross the Crowded Ways of Life by Mark A. Miller. CD includes Accompaniment Track recording and Demo recording.
CGAC1574 Coming Home (Accompaniment Track)
Accompaniment Track for CGA1574 and CGA1575 Coming Home arranged by Lynn Shaw Bailey and Becki Slagle Mayo. CD includes Accompaniment Track recording and Demo recording.
CGAC1524 The Day Is Coming (Accompaniment Track)
Accompaniment Track for CGA1524 The Day Is Coming, by Mark A. Miller. CD includes Accompaniment Track recording and Demo recording.
CGAC1525 You Are Welcome Here (Accompaniment Track)
Accompaniment Track for CGA1525 You Are Welcome Here, by Mark Burrows. CD includes Accompaniment Track recording and Demo recording.
CGAC1527 Do You Hear the Shepherd? (Accompaniment Track)
Accompaniment Track for CGA1527 Do You Hear the Shepherd. CD includes Accompaniment Track recording and Demo recording.
CGAC1550 The First Noel (Accompaniment Track)
Accompaniment Track for CGA1550 The First Noel arranged by Trevor Manor. CD includes Accompaniment Track recording and Demo recording.
CGAC1529 The Lord Is My Light (Accompaniment Track)
Accompaniment Track for CGA1529 The Lord Is My Light. CD includes Accompaniment Track recording and Demo recording.
CGAC1526 Sing Hallelujah! (Accompaniment Track)
Accompaniment Track for CGA1526, Sing Hallelujah! (Jesus Lives Today) by Mark Burrows. CD includes Accompaniment Track recording and Demo recording.
CGAC1533 Were You There? (Accompaniment Track)
Accompaniment Track for CGA1533, Were You There? by Brian Hanson. CD includes Accompaniment Track recording and Demo recording.
CGAC1528 A Child's Prayer (Accompaniment Track)
Accompaniment Track for CGA1528, A Child's Prayer, by Andrew Bruhn. CD includes Accompaniment Track recording and Demo recording.
CGAC1530 What a Friend We Have in Jesus (Accompaniment Track)
Accompaniment Track for CGA1530, What a Friend We Have in Jesus, arranged by Matthew Armstrong. CD includes Accompaniment Track recording and Demo recording.
CGAC1532 A Resting Place (Accompaniment Track)
Accompaniment Track for CGA1532, A Resting Place, by David Rasbach. CD includes Accompaniment Track recording and Demo recording.
CGAC1534 Hosanna in the Highest (Accompaniment Track)
Accompaniment Track for CGA1534, Hosanna in the Highest, arranged by Nancy Gifford. CD includes Accompaniment Track recording and Demo recording.
CGAC1535 The Fruit of the Spirit (Accompaniment Track)
Accompaniment Track for CGA1535, The Fruit of the Spirit, by Becki Slagle Mayo. CD includes Accompaniment Track recording and Demo recording.
CGAC1537 Broken Yet Chosen (Accompaniment Track)
Accompaniment Track for CGA1537, Broken Yet Chosen, by Mark Miller. CD includes Accompaniment Track recording and Demo recording.
CGAC1536 Should One Sheep Go Astray (Accompaniment Track)
Accompaniment Track for CGA1536, Should One Sheep Go Astray, by Christopher Hogan. CD includes Accompaniment Track recording and Demo recording.
CGAC1541 Everybody's Got a Place in the Choir (Accompaniment Track)
Accompaniment Track for CGA1541, Everybody's Got a Place in the Choir, by Greg Gilpin. CD includes Accompaniment Track recording and Demo recording.
CGAC1543 The Children of God (Accompaniment Track)
Accompaniment Track for CGA1543, The Children of God, by Nathan Smith. CD includes Accompaniment Track recording and Demo recording.
CGAC486 A Lenten Love Song (Performance/Accompaniment CD)
Accompaniment track for CGA486, A Lenten Love Song, by Helen Kemp.
CGAC1532e A Resting Place (Digital Download Accompaniment Track)
Digital Accompaniment Track for CGA1532, A Resting Place, by David Rasbach.
CGAC1540 Trust in God (Accompaniment Track)
Accompaniment Track for CGA1540 Trust in God, by Terry D. Taylor. CD includes Accompaniment Track recording and Demo recording.
CGAC1542 Christ Has No Hands but Ours (Accompaniment Track)
Accompaniment Track for CGA1542 Christ Has No Hands but Ours, by Tom Porter. CD includes Accompaniment Track recording and Demo recording.
CGAC1544 Batid las Manos! (Accompaniment Track)
Accompaniment Track for CGA1544 Batid las Manos!, by Mark Burrows. CD includes Accompaniment Track recording and Demo recording.
CGAC1555 God Be in My Head (Accompaniment Track)
Accompaniment Track for CGA1548 and CGA1555 God Be in My Head by Hal H. Hopson. CD includes Accompaniment Track recording and Demo recording.
CGAC1552 Light of Hope (Accompaniment Track)
Accompaniment Track for CGA1552 Light of Hope by Mark Patterson. CD includes Accompaniment Track recording and Demo recording of A Trilogy for Advent, Christmas, and Epiphany, including: 1. (Advent) ...
CGAC1553 Morning Stars, Singing Together (Accompaniment Track)
Accompaniment Track for CGA1553 Morning Stars, Singing Together arranged by Helen Kemp. CD includes Accompaniment Track recording and Demo recording.
CGAC1554 Rock of Ages (Accompaniment Track)
Accompaniment Track for CGA1554 Rock of Ages by Klayton Hoefler. CD includes Accompaniment Track recording and Demo recording.
CGAC1556 Take My Life and Let It Be (Accompaniment Track)
Accompaniment Track for CGA1556 Take My Life and Let It Be arranged by Brian Hanson. CD includes Accompaniment Track recording and Demo recording.
CGAC1557 Immanuel (Accompaniment Track)
Accompaniment Track for CGA1557 Immanuel by Benjamin Knoedler. CD includes Accompaniment Track recording and Demo recording.
CGAC1559 O Little Town of Bethlehem (Accompaniment Track)
Accompaniment Track for CGA1559 O Little Town of Bethlehem arranged by Jonathan Reid. CD includes Accompaniment Track recording and Demo recording.
CGAC1560 I'm Gonna Sing! (Accompaniment Track)
Accompaniment Track for CGA1560 I'm Gonna Sing! by Mark A Miller. CD includes Accompaniment Track recording and Demo recording.
CGAC1561 Let Us Pray for Peace (Accompaniment Track)
Accompaniment Track for CGA1561 and CGA1582 Let Us Prace for Peace, by Thomas Keesecker. CD includes Accompaniment Track recording and Demo recording. Composer: Thomas Keesecker Text: Nancy Kraft S...
CGAC1534e Hosanna in the Highest (Digital Download Accompaniment Track)
Digital Accompaniment Track for CGA1534, Hosanna in the Highest, arranged by Nancy Gifford.
CGAC1535e The Fruit of the Spirit (Digital Download Accompaniment Track)
Digital Accompaniment Track for CGA1535, The Fruit of the Spirit, by Becki Slagle Mayo.
CGAC1545 More Than Enough (Accompaniment Track)
Accompaniment Track for CGA1545 More Than Enough (Jesus Feeds the Multitude), by Becki Slagle Mayo and Lynn Shaw Bailey. CD includes Accompaniment Track recording and Demo recording.
CGAC1521e The Church's One Foundation (Digital Download Accompaniment Track)
Digital Accompaniment Track for CGA1521 The Church's One Foundation, arranged by Cathy and David Moklebust.
CGAC1521 The Church's One Foundation (Accompaniment Track)
Accompaniment Track for CGA1521 The Church's One Foundation, arranged by Cathy and David Moklebust. CD includes Accompaniment Track recording and Demo recording.
CGAC1498 Mary's Song (Accompaniment Track)
Accompaniment Track for CGA1498 Mary's Song by Meg Baker. CD includes Accompaniment Track recording and Demo recording.
CGAC1483e God Is Here with Me (Digital Download Accompaniment Track)
Digital Accompaniment Track for CGA1483 God Is Here with Me, by Christopher Hogan.
CGAC1569 Lord of All Hopefulness (Accompaniment Track)
Accompaniment Track for CGA1569 Lord of All Hopefulness by Andrew Bruhn. CD includes Accompaniment Track recording and Demo recording.
CGAC1570 May the Love of the Lord (Accompaniment Track)
Accompaniment Track for CGA1570 May the Love of the Lord arranged by Emily Lund. CD includes Accompaniment Track recording and Demo recording.
CGAC1453 The Lord Is Risen! (Accompaniment Track)
Accompaniment Track for CGA1453 The Lord Is Risen! arranged by Helen Kemp. Additional Resources: CGA1453 The Lord Is Risen! score CGBK73 Of Primary Importance, Volume III Book
CGAC1450 The Day of Resurrection - Accompaniment Track
Accompaniment Track for CGA1450 The Day of Resurrection, by Henry T Smart.
CGAC1449 Abide With Me (Accompaniment Track)
Accompaniment Track for CGA1449 Abide With Me, arranged by Brian L Hanson.
CGAC1447e Springtide Birds Are Singing, Singing (Digital Download Accompaniment Track)
Digital Download Accompaniment Track for CGA1447 Springtide Birds Are Singing, Singing, by Nancy Raabe.
CGAC1447 Springtide Birds Are Singing, Singing (Accompaniment Track)
Accompaniment Track for CGA1447 Springtide Birds Are Singing, Singing, by Nancy Raabe.
CGAC1446 This Joyful Eastertide (Accompaniment Track)
Accompaniment Track for CGA1446 This Joyful Eastertide, by Jim Taylor.
CGAC1445 Come, Sing a Joyful Alleluia! (Accompaniment Track)
Accompaniment Track for CGA1445 Come, Sing a Joyful Alleluia! by Dan R Edwards.
CGAC1444 God's Promise (Accompaniment Track)
Accompaniment Track for CGA1444 God's Promise, by Mark Patterson.
CGAC1443 Sing Hosanna! (Accompaniment Track)
Accompaniment Track for CGA1443 Sing Hosanna! by Charles McCartha.
CGAC1440 God Is Never Late (Accompaniment Track)
Accompaniment Track for CGA1440 God Is Never Late, by Nathan Smith.
CGAC1437 Let the Sun Shine Down (Accompaniment Track)
Accompaniment Track for CGA1437 Let The Sun Shine Down, by Peter Johns.
CGAC1436 What Does the Lord Require? (Accompaniment Track)
Accompaniment Track for CGA1436 What Does the Lord Require? by Mark Burrows.
CGAC1435 Bwana Asifiwe (Accompaniment Track)
Accompaniment Track for CGA1435 Bwana Asifiwe, arranged by Mark Burrows.
CGAC1434 Let the Song Go Round the Earth (Accompaniment Track)
Accompaniment Track for CGA1434 Let the Song Go Round the Earth, arranged by Mary Ellen Kerrick.
CGAC1433 The Plans I Have for You (Accompaniment Track)
Accompaniment Track for CGA1433 The Plans I Have for You, by Allen Pote.
CGAC1432 Gaelic Blessing (Accompaniment Track)
Accompaniment Track for CGA1432 Gaelic Blessing, by Nancy Gifford.
CGAC1431 Come, Thou Fount of Every Blessing (Accompaniment Track)
Accompaniment Track for CGA1431 Come, Thou Fount of Every Blessing, arranged by Joe Cox.
CGAC1430 When I Survey the Wondrous Cross (Accompaniment Track)
Accompaniment Track for CGA1430 When I Survey the Wondrous Cross, arranged by Brian L Hanson.
CGAC1429 Welcome to God's Love! (Accompaniment Track)
Accompaniment Track for CGA1429 Welcome to God's Love!, by Mark A Miller.
CGAC1425e Child of God (Digital Download Accompaniment Track)
Digital Download Accompaniment Track for CGA1425 Child of God by Mark A. Miller.
CGAC1426e Ubi Caritas (Digital Download Accompaniment Track)
Digital Download Accompaniment Track for CGA1426 Ubi Caritas, by Becki Slagle Mayo.
CGAC1426 Ubi Caritas (Accompaniment Track)
Accompaniment Track for CGA1426 Ubi Caritas, by Becki Slagle Mayo.
CGAC1402 Hevenu Shalom Aleichem (Accompaniment Track)
Accompaniment Track CD for CGA1402 Hevenu Shalom Aleichem, by Dan R Edwards.
CGAC1400 What Then, Will God Do With Me? (Accompaniment Track)
Accompaniment Track for CGA1400 What Then, Will God Do With Me? by John Atteberry.
CGAC1399 Oh, Teach Me What It Means, Lord (Accompaniment Track)
Accompaniment Track for CGA1399 Oh, Teach Me What It Means, Lord, by David Rasbach.
CGAC1398 Ask, Seek, Knock (Accompaniment Track)
Accompaniment Track for CGA1398 Ask, Seek, Knock, by Nancy Raabe.
CGAC1397 Make a Joyful Noise (Accompaniment Track)
Accompaniment Track for CGA1397 Make a Joyful Noise, by Mark Burrows.
CGAC1396 In Dark Gethsemane (Accompaniment Track)
Accompaniment Track for CGA1396 In Dark Gethsemane, by Trevor Manor.
CGAC1571 Thank You, God, for My Family (Accompaniment Track)
Accompaniment Track for CGA1571 Thank You God, for My Family by Terry Taylor. CD includes Accompaniment Track recording and Demo recording.
CGAC1394 "Hosanna" Sing to Our Great King! (Accompaniment Track)
Accompaniment Track for CGA1394 "Hosanna" Sing to Our Great King! by Trevor Manor.
CGAC1393 Just As He Said! (Accompaniment Track)
Accompaniment Track for CGA1393 Just As He Said! by Trevor Manor.
CGAC1391 The Sacrifice of Praise (Accompaniment Track)
Accompaniment Track for CGA1391 The Sacrifice of Praise, by Taylor Davis.
CGAC1390 Rejoice, Give Thanks, and Sing! (Accompaniment Track)
Accompaniment Track for CGA1390 Rejoice, Give Thanks, and Sing! arranged by Kenneth T Kosche.
CGAC1572 Shepherd of My Heart (Accompaniment Track)
Accompaniment Track for CGA1572 and CGA1573 Shepherd of My Heart arranged by John Purifoy. CD includes Accompaniment Track recording and Demo recording.
CGAC1387 Think on These Things (Accompaniment Track)
Accompaniment Track for CGA1387 Think on These Things, by Beth A Elston.
CGAC1386 O For a Thousand Tongues to Sing (Accompaniment Track)
Accompaniment Track for CGA1386 O For a Thousand Tongues to Sing, arranged by Mark Patterson.
CGAC1383e Exultate, Jubilate! (Digital Download Accompaniment Track)
Digital Download Accompaniment Track for CGA1383 Exultate, Jubilate!, by Helen Kemp.
CGAC1383 Exultate, Jubilate! (Accompaniment Track)
Accompaniment Track for CGA1383 Exultate, Jubilate!, by Helen Kemp.
CGAC1380e Children of the Heavenly Father (Digital Download Accompaniment Track)
Digital Download Accompaniment Track for CGA1380 Children of the Heavenly Father, arranged by Jeremy S. Bakken.
CGAC1564 A Joyful Hosanna (Accompaniment Track)
Accompaniment Track for CGA1564 A Joyful Hosanna by Becki Slagle Mayo. CD includes Accompaniment Track recording and Demo recording.
CGAC1565 You are Loving, You are Loved (Accompaniment Track)
Accompaniment Track for CGA1565 You are Loving, You are Loved by Mark Burrows. CD includes Accompaniment Track recording and Demo recording.
CGAC1566 Love Brought Me Back! (Accompaniment Track)
Accompaniment Track for CGA1566 Love Brought Me Back! by Mark A. Miller. CD includes Accompaniment Track recording and Demo recording.
CGAC1568 Love Was Made a Lily Bright (Accompaniment Track)
Accompaniment Track for CGA1568 Love Was Made a Lily Bright by Mark Patterson. CD includes Accompaniment Track recording and Demo recording.
CGAC1337e Jesus, Lover of My Soul (Digital Download Accompaniment Track)
Digital Download Accompaniment Track for CGA1337 Jesus, Lover of My Soul, Brian L. Hanson.
CGAC1334e Huron Carol (Digital Download Accompaniment Track)
Digital Download Accompaniment Track for CGA1334 Huron Carol by Mark Burrows.
CGAC1327_4e Gloria Patri (Digital Download Accompaniment Track)
Digital Download Accompaniment Track for CGA1327 "Gloria Patri" from Cantate! Sing to the Lord! by Becki Slagle Mayo.
CGAC1328e Dance on the Water (Digital Download Accompaniment Track)
Digital Download Accompaniment Track for CGA1328 Dance on the Water, Randy Cox and Kris Crunk.
CGAC1303e Somebody's Knockin' (Digital Download Accompaniment Track)
Digital Download Accompaniment Track for CGA1303 Somebody's Knockin', arranged by Ken Berg.
CGAC1287 My Lord, What a Morning (Accompaniment Track)
Accompaniment Track for CGA1287 My Lord, What a Morning, by Greg Gilpin.
CGAC1283 Alleluia! Rejoice! The Lord Shall Come (Accompaniment Track)
Accompaniment Track for CGA1283 Alleluia! Rejoice! The Lord Shall Come, arranged by Patrick Liebergen.
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